An advanced open source fulltext indexing package available from: It includes bindings for some scripting languages including a [SWIG] generated Tcl binding, properly packaged as a [stubs] enabled Tcl package since version 0.8.4. ([EMJ]) To build the current release, you need and . In the latter, two fixes are needed before building: * Edit '''configure''', changing TCL_LIB=`echo 'foreach d $tcl_pkgPath {if {!regexp {/share(/|$)} $d} {break}};puts $d'|$TCLSH` to TCL_LIB=`echo 'foreach d $tcl_pkgPath {if {![regexp {/share(/|$)} $d]} {break}};puts $d'|$TCLSH` * Edit '''tcl8/''', changing tcllibdir = @TCL_LIB@/../xapian@VERSION@ to tcllibdir = @TCL_LIB@/xapian@VERSION@ I don't know whether these have been fixed in the various pre-compiled packages. Both these issues have now been fixed in Xapian SVN, so 1.0.7 should just work. - OllyBetts ---- [schlenk] This could be a base for a very nice search engine to be added to tclhttpd or rivet for example. Or maybe even as an additional search engine for the wiki? [CMcC] if you use a [metakit] store for the pages, you can just use the select -keyword option and get fulltext search aka [KWIC] ---- [Category Package]