[TV] I've been working with a Xilinx Spartan 3 demo board, for which there is a clock example that can be burned in the config FLASH with little effort, and that clock can be set (and some other things) over an RS-232 link. This tcl script programs the computer clock automatically into the board with a readable command: #open serial port set fh [open COM1: RDWR] fconfigure $fh -blocking 0 -mode 9600,n,8,1 -translation binary -translation cr -buffering none # make a text window for incoming communication text .t -width 40 -height 10 pack .t -expand y -fill both fileevent $fh readable {.t insert end [read $fh] ;.t see end} # print time, and set the xilinx time puts [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M:%S"] puts $fh "time" ; flush $fh puts $fh "time [clock format [clock seconds] -format \"%H:%M:%S\"]" ; flush $fh ---- [Category Example]