Xlib is the library that [X] uses for applications to communicate with the X server. It's a higher level library built upon the X protocol. It hides the details of the protocol. It's often used for writing widgets, and Tk emulates many Xlib functions on platforms that don't have [X], such as [Win32] and the Mac (see [XLEL]). There are two bindings for Xlib. The first was written in [Lisp] many years ago, and the newer version is written in C. X.org has archives that contain the Lisp version. Tk AFAIK has always used the C version. If you want to learn how to program in Xlib I (GPS) suggest you look for the Xlib Programming Manual by Adrian Nye. The postscript papers included in the X documentation are quite good as well, but tend to be verbose. ---- '''References''' * [X] * X Protocol: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1013.html * FYI (for starting out): http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/fyi/fyi6.html ---- [Category Tk Library]