A tcl api to everyone's favorite social bookmarking site, by [AF]. See [http://del.icio.us/help/api/] for documentation. package require http package require tls package require tdom package require base64 package require json package require md5 package provide delicious 1.0 ::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket] namespace eval delicious { variable user {} variable pass {} namespace export get_posts recent_posts get_all_posts post_dates \ add_post delete_post updated get_tags rename_tag set_bundle \ delete_bundle get_bundles public_network public_tags public_url \ public_posts public_fans } proc ::delicious::_call {url} { variable user variable pass lappend headers Authorization "Basic [base64::encode $user:$pass]" #puts "geturl $url" set t [http::geturl $url -headers $headers] if {[http::ncode $t] != "200"} { #parray $t return -code error "HTTP [http::ncode $t]" } set data [http::data $t] #puts "data: $data" http::cleanup $t return $data } proc ::delicious::_xml_to_list {xml top each} { set data {} set d [[dom parse -simple $xml] getElementsByTagName $top] foreach node [$d getElementsByTagName $each] { lappend data [lindex [$node asList] 1] } return $data } proc ::delicious::_check_result {xml} { if {[regexp { result]} { if {$result != "done"} { return -code error $result } return -code ok } if {[regexp {(.*)} $xml -> result]} { if {$result != "ok" && $result != "done"} { return -code error $result } return -code ok } return -code error "could not parse result" } proc ::delicious::_options {valid in var} { upvar $var blah set query {} foreach x $in { set opt [split $x =] if {[lsearch -exact $valid [lindex $opt 0]] > -1} { if {[lindex $opt 0] == "dt"} { lappend query dt [clock format [clock scan [lindex $opt 1]] -format "%Y-%m-%dT%TZ"] } else { lappend query [lindex $opt 0] [lindex $opt 1] } } } append blah [eval ::http::formatQuery $query] } proc delicious::get_posts {args} { set url https://api.del.icio.us/v1/posts/get? _options {url tag dt} $args url return [_xml_to_list [_call $url] posts post] } proc ::delicious::recent_posts {args} { set url https://api.del.icio.us/v1/posts/recent? _options {tag count} $args url return [_xml_to_list [_call $url] posts post] } proc ::delicious::get_all_posts {args} { set url https://api.del.icio.us/v1/posts/all? _options {tag} $args url return [_xml_to_list [_call $url] posts post] } proc ::delicious::post_dates {args} { set url https://api.del.icio.us/v1/posts/dates? _options {tag} $args url return [_xml_to_list [_call $url] dates date] } proc ::delicious::add_post {args} { set url https://api.del.icio.us/v1/posts/add? _options {url description extended tags dt replace shared} $args url return [_check_result [_call $url]] } proc ::delicious::delete_post {args} { set url https://api.del.icio.us/v1/posts/delete? _options {url} $args url return [_check_result [_call $url]] } proc ::delicious::updated {} { set url https://api.del.icio.us/v1/posts/update set xml [_call $url] regexp { update return [clock scan [string map {T " " Z " UTC"} $update]] } proc ::delicious::get_tags {} { set url https://api.del.icio.us/v1/tags/get return [_xml_to_list [_call $url] tags tag] } proc ::delicious::rename_tag {old new} { set url https://api.del.icio.us/v1/tags/rename? _options {old new} [list old=$old new=$new] url return [_check_result [_call $url]] } proc ::delicious::set_bundle {bundle tags} { set url https://api.del.icio.us/v1/tags/bundles/set? _options {bundle tags} [list bundle=$bundle tags=$tags] url return [_check_result [_call $url]] } proc ::delicious::delete_bundle {bundle} { set url https://api.del.icio.us/v1/tags/bundles/set? _options {old new} [list bundle=$bundle] url return [_check_result [_call $url]] } proc ::delicious::get_bundles {} { set url https://api.del.icio.us/v1/tags/bundles/all return [_xml_to_list [_call $url] bundles bundle] } proc ::delicious::public_network {user} { set url http://del.icio.us/feeds/json/network/$user return [json::json2dict [_call $url]] } proc ::delicious::public_tags {user args} { set url http://del.icio.us/feeds/json/tags/$user? _options {atleast count sort} $args url regexp {Delicious.tags = (.*)} [_call $url] -> json return [json::json2dict $json] } proc ::delicious::public_fans {user} { set url http://del.icio.us/feeds/json/fans/$user return [json::json2dict [_call $url]] } proc ::delicious::public_posts {user args} { set url http://del.icio.us/feeds/json/$user? _options {count} $args url regexp {Delicious.posts = (.*)} [_call $url] -> json return [json::json2dict $json] } proc ::delicious::public_url {urls} { set url http://badges.del.icio.us/feeds/json/url/data? foreach u $urls { append url &hash=[string tolower [md5::md5 -hex $u]] } return [json::json2dict [_call $url]] } ---- I would love to see examples of using this package. Anyone tried it? ---- [LV] 2007-Aug-09 In looking at the api web page mentioned above, I see a few requirements listed for libraries: * one second wait between queries are required * library must watch for http 503 errors and respect them ---- [Category Internet]