if {0} {[JM] 2005-Dec-11 form for Access Database. Simple form for the sample database Northwind.mdb, which is included with the Microsoft Access Installation. Enters new information in the "Employees" table. Illustrates the use of a combo box loaded with information in table "Employees" just to play with dates, it inserts today's date as the hire date. If a secured database is used, just enable the variables: >mdw >user >password with the appropriate values, and use the '''database connect''' call that uses parameters: >SystemDB >UID >PWD } proc store {} { global repTo set now [tclodbc::TclTimeToSqlTime [clock seconds]] db statement storeIT "INSERT INTO Employees (LastName,FirstName,HireDate,ReportsTo) VALUES (?,?,?,?)"\ {{CHAR 20} {CHAR 10} {TIMESTAMP} {INTEGER}} if {[catch {storeIT run [list [.ln get] [.fn get] $now [lindex $repTo 0]]} errores] == 1} { puts "errores:\n$errores" update if {![string compare [lindex $errores 0] 23000]} { # datasource not found, create new tk_messageBox -message "Error, already entered" } elseif {![string compare [lindex $errores 0] 42000]} { # other error puts "Record(s) cannot be added; no insert permission on table" } else { # other error puts "error 3 $errores" error [lindex $errores 2] } } else { tk_messageBox -message "OK, Record Stored" .ln delete 0 end .fn delete 0 end focus .ln storeIT drop } } proc loadCombo {w sql} { global driver dbfile mdw user password db db statement stmt $sql set records [stmt run] stmt drop $w configure -values $records } package require BWidget package require tclodbc set connected no #driver set driver "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)" #Database Path set dbfile "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\office\\samples\\Northwind.mdb" #user account and where the workgroup information is #set mdw "C:\\My documents\\BasesDeDatos\\unfiled\\Control.mdw" #set user admin #set password "" if {![file exists $dbfile]} { tk_messageBox -message "no pude accesar:\n$dbfile" exit } # Database Conection database connect db "DRIVER=$driver;DBQ=$dbfile" #database connect db "DRIVER=$driver;DBQ=$dbfile;SystemDB=$mdw;UID=$user;PWD=$password" #--------------------------------- label .lblln -text "Last Name:" entry .ln -width 20 #--------------------------------- label .lblfn -text "First Name:" entry .fn -width 20 #--------------------------------- label .lblcbo -text "Reporta a:" ComboBox .cboRepTo -autocomplete yes -textvariable repTo #--------------------------------- button .btn -text "Save Record" -command store button .salir -text "Exit" -command { if {$connected == "yes"} { db disconnect } exit } pack .lblln .ln .lblfn .fn .cboRepTo .btn .salir loadCombo ".cboRepTo" "SELECT EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName FROM Employees ORDER BY LastName;"