[NEM] 2010-07-20: The discussion at the end of [SELF] inspired me to flesh out some code I've had on the back-burner for a while now. The idea is to develop an asynchronous message-passing ''Actor Model'' [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actor_model] of concurrent computation on top of [Tcl] 8.6's [coroutine] mechanism. The basic idea is that an ''actor'' is an object (in the [OO]) sense, but with the extra feature that all calls to methods on other objects (actors) actually occur asynchronously, through the [event loop]. There's still some serious problems to fix in the code, but hopefully others can help out as I've got real work to do now: ====== package require Tcl 8.6 package provide actor 0.1 namespace eval ::actor { namespace export {[a-z]*} namespace ensemble create proc create {name} { # An actor consists of two parts: a core namespace ensemble (object) # that dispatches messages to methods that handle them; and an external # actor interface which handles messages from other actors. Messages # from other actors are always asynchronous, using the event loop and # coroutines. # Ensure $name is fully-qualified set name [qualify 1 $name] # Use the naming convention: $name is the actor interface, $name.self is # the internal ensemble namespace ensemble create -command $name.self -map {} slot $name slot = ::actor slot $name slot $name slots = ::actor slots $name slot $name method = ::actor method $name # Create the message dispatcher coroutine coroutine $name ::actor dispatch $name.self # Rename and install a send interface rename $name $name.coro interp alias {} $name {} ::actor send $name return $name } proc slot {actor slot = cmd args} { set actor [uplevel 1 [list namespace which -command $actor.self]] set slots [namespace ensemble configure $actor -map] dict set slots $slot [list {*}$cmd {*}$args] namespace ensemble configure $actor -map $slots return $slot } proc slots {actor {pattern *}} { set actor [uplevel 1 [list namespace which -command $actor.self]] set slots [namespace ensemble configure $actor -map] return [dict keys $slots $pattern] } proc method {actor name params body} { slot $actor $name = ::apply [list $params $body ::] } proc send {actor args} { # Schedule the message to be delivered using the event loop after 0 [list ::actor deliver [info coroutine] $actor.coro $args] # Then yield and wait for the reply # puts "About to yield:" # foreach event [after info] { puts "\t$event: [after info $event]" } lassign [yield] result options # puts "Returning: $result $options" return -options $options $result } proc deliver {from to message} { set result [$to $message] $from $result } proc self args { set coro [info coroutine] regexp {^(.*)\.coro$} $coro -> coro set self $coro.self tailcall $self {*}$args } proc dispatch actor { set result "" set options [dict create] while 1 { # Yield the result of this message, and receive the next set message [yield [list $result $options]] #puts "Dispatching: $message" # Dispatch the message to the actor ensemble catch { $actor {*}$message } result options } } # qualify level name # # Returns the fully-qualified version of $name. This is done by # prefixing the name given with the namespace that is current at # $level. In contrast to [namespace which], this command is intended # to be used for commands that have not yet been created. # proc qualify {level name} { if {[string match ::* $name]} { return $name } if {[string is integer -strict $level] && $level >= 0} { incr level } set ns [uplevel $level { namespace current }] if {$ns eq "::"} { return ::$name } return $ns\::$name } # A coroutine-enabled REPL shell for testing proc shell {} { coroutine ::actor::main ::actor::repl vwait forever } proc repl {} { while 1 { set cmd [get-command] set code [catch { uplevel #0 $cmd } result opts] if {$code == 1} { puts [dict get $opts -errorinfo] } elseif {[string length $result]} { puts $result } } } proc get-command {} { set cmd [prompt %] while {![info complete $cmd]} { append cmd \n [prompt >] } return $cmd } proc prompt p { puts -nonewline "$p " flush stdout fileevent stdin readable [lambda return { $return [gets stdin] } [info coroutine]] yield } proc lambda {params body args} { list ::apply [list $params $body] {*}$args } } if {$argv0 eq [info script]} { actor shell } ====== As well as the coroutine code, I've also included [a coroutine-enabled interactive command line] for testing purposes: ====== $ tclsh actor.tcl % actor create adder ::adder % adder method add {a b} { expr {$a + $b} } add % adder add 2 3 5 % actor create summer ::summer % summer method sum args { > set sum 0 > foreach x $args { set sum [adder add $sum $x] } > puts "sum = $sum" > } sum % summer sum 1 2 3 4 5 % sum = 15 ====== So, what's special about this? It looks just like a fairly boring [OO] demonstration. Which it is. Except that each method call between objects (actors) occurs asynchronously using the event loop. This opens the door to rather simple concurrency, with all the advantages and disadvantages that entails. <>Concurrency