ADB - A(nother) database engine for Tcl/Tk Developed by [Roalt Aalmoes] ADB together with it's MySQL database connectivity module [adbsql] are a Tcl/Tk package useful for Tcl/Tk programmers that want to store their data in a database-kind of way with tables and fields. ADB support at this moment one database at a time, but within this database multiple table can be defined. Two (optional) features of ADB that may make it worthwhile for you: * Writing the database as XML output and later of course the ability to read it. For this purpose, the well-known [tDOM] package has to be installed. * Connecting directly to a MySQL database. For this purpose the [mysqltcl] package has to be installed as well. The fun part of ADB is that you can either use it as a full pure tcl library, or you can use these advanced features. Short history: This package has been used for many years in my [ATDOR] program. A Track and Field meeting organisation program. I've decided that the database engine in this program might be useful for many other purposes. The [atdor] program, currently uses an older version of this library, will be re-released later to use this version. So see for a application of approx. 20k lines of code using it. Example on how to use it: