It's a batch of [Tcl/Tk] themes used in [alited, a lite editor%|%alited%|%] editor. The batch contains two [awthemes] themes made by [bll%|%Brad Lanam%|%]: ''awlight'' and ''awdark''. The themes were modified as for [scrollbar]s (colors at hovering and hovering not). Also, the batch contains a bit modified themes made by [|%rdbende%|%]: * azure light and dark * forest light and dark * sun-valley light and dark The modifications are mostly about: * focusing widgets (with Tab key) * colors of widgets * colors of menu * treeview's behavior * corners of widgets ** Usage ** The [awthemes] themes by [bll%|%Brad Lanam%|%] are used as follows: ====== package require awthemes # for the dark theme: package require ttk::theme::awdark # for the light theme: package require ttk::theme::awlight ====== The themes by [|%rdbende%|%] are used as follows: ====== # azure light: source azure/azure.tcl set_theme light # azure dark: source azure/azure.tcl set_theme dark # sun-valley light: source sun-valley/sun-valley.tcl set_theme light # sun-valley dark: source sun-valley/sun-valley.tcl set_theme dark # forest light: source forest/forest-light.tcl ttk::style theme use forest-light # forest dark: source forest/forest-dark.tcl ttk::style theme use forest-dark ====== An example of usage is ''test.tcl''. It requires [Pave, sort of geometry manager%|%apave%|%] package. In [alited, a lite editor%|%alited%|%] editor, the themes are used along with color schemes (as seen in ''ini.tcl'' of [|%alited source%|%]). The color schemes are provided by [Pave, sort of geometry manager%|%apave%|%] package. ** Links ** * [|%ale_themes at chiselapp%|%] * [|%ale_themes at github%|%] * [awthemes] * [|%rdbende%|%] * [|%alited%|%] * [|%apave%|%] ** Demos ** * [|%demo of ale_themes%|%] * [|%themes in alited%|%] Below is a screenshot of [alited, a lite editor%|%alited%|%] in Windows 10, with ''sun-valley dark'' theme: [|%alited-ru%|%]