[sbron] 7-Dec-2008: There are several pieces of code available (on the wiki, in [tcllib]) for parsing command lines, but they all feel a little awkward to me. For that reason I came up with the code below. It allows the user to specify the allowed command line options in a similar fashion to the [switch] command. Only in this case there's an implied loop that repeats as long as command line options are available. The switch patterns serve as the specification of which command line options are allowed. A colon in a long option pattern, or after a character in a short option pattern, indicates that the option requires an argument. Command line options can appear in two forms: long options and short options. Long options start with `--` and may be specified on the command line as a unique prefix. Short options start with just a single `-`. Multiple short options may be specified as a single string of option characters prefixed with a `-`. If one of the characters represents an option that requires an argument, the rest of the string is taken as the argument. An argument of exactly `--` will cause all remaining arguments to be treated as regular arguments, not as options, even if they start with a `-`. A `-` on its own (usually signifying that input should be taken from standard input instead of a file) will not be considered an option but is treated as a regular argument. At the end of the loop the ''arglist'' branch is executed with the arguments remaining after all options have been processed. It will do this even if there are no remaining arguments. Two other special branches are available for handling invalid options: ''missing'' and ''unknown''. The missing branch is executed when there is no argument for an option that requires an argument. The unknown branch is executed when an unknown or ambiguous option is encountered. In these last two cases the argument variable will contain the offending option. Under normal circumstances it won't be necessary to provide these last two branches as reasonable defaults are provided by the package (a short description of the problem, followed by the suggestion to try the --help option). Unless specified otherwise, the --help option will produce a help message that is automatically generated from the specified options and the first line of comments in the body for each option. Any comments at the top of the file (unless starting with #! or ##) are included in the help message between the usage line and the explanation of the options. If desired, the same message can be generated by calling the help command. ---- **Example** An example of how this package can be used when reimplementing the linux tac command: ====== #!/usr/bin/env tclsh # Write each FILE to standard output, last line first. # With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input. set version 8.23 set place after set match exact set sep \n package require getopt 2.1 getopt arg $argv { -b - --before { # attach the separator before instead of after set place before } -r - --regex { # interpret the separator as a regular expression set match regexp } -s: - --separator:STRING { # use STRING as the separator instead of newline set sep $arg } -h? - --help { # display this help and exit help } --version { # output version information and exit puts "Version: $version" exit 0 } arglist { # [FILE]... set files $arg } } ====== Running this script with the --help option produces the following output: ======none Usage: tac.tcl [OPTION]... [FILE]... Write each FILE to standard output, last line first. With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input. Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. -b, --before attach the separator before instead of after -r, --regex interpret the separator as a regular expression -s, --separator=STRING use STRING as the separator instead of newline -h, -?, --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit ====== Allowing option values to be changed between arguments can also easily be achieved by calling getopt in a loop: ====== while {[llength $argv] > 0} { getopt arg $argv { -x: - --optionx: { set optionx $arg } arglist { if {[llength $arg] == 0} {error "missing file"} set argv [lassign $arg file] } } set argv [lassign $arg file] process $file } ====== If called with: '`--optionx 42 file1 file2 -x99 file3`', this would process files `file1` and `file2` with `optionx` set to `42` and `file3` with `optionx` set to `99`. But using: '`-x 42 file1 -x 88`' would produce a usage message because the file to be processed with the last value of `optionx` is missing. ---- **Code** Here's the code to accomplish all this (getopt-2.1.tm): ====== package require Tcl 8.5 namespace eval getopt { namespace export getopt } proc getopt::getopt {args} { if {[llength $args] == 3} { lassign $args argvar list body } elseif {[llength $args] == 4} { lassign $args optvar argvar list body upvar 1 $optvar option } else { return -code error -errorcode {TCL WRONGARGS} \ {wrong # args: should be "getopt ?optvar? argvar list body} } upvar 1 $argvar value set arg(missing) [dict create pattern missing argument 0] set arg(unknown) [dict create pattern unknown argument 0] set arg(argument) [dict create pattern argument argument 0] if {[llength [info commands ::help]] == 0} { interp alias {} ::help {} return -code 99 -level 0 } lappend defaults --help "# display this help and exit\nhelp" \ arglist #\n[format {getopt::noargs ${%s}} $argvar] \ missing [format {getopt::missing ${%s}} $argvar] \ argument [format {getopt::argoop ${%s}} $argvar] \ unknown [format {getopt::nfound %s ${%s}} [list $body] $argvar] # Can't use dict merge as that could mess up the order of the patterns foreach {pat code} $defaults { if {![dict exists $body $pat]} {dict set body $pat $code} } dict for {pat code} $body { switch -glob -- $pat { -- {# end-of-options option} --?*:* {# long option requiring an argument set arg([lindex [split $pat :] 0]) \ [dict create pattern $pat argument 1] } --?* {# long option without an argument set arg($pat) [dict create pattern $pat argument 0] } -?* {# short options set last ""; foreach c [split [string range $pat 1 end] ""] { if {$c eq ":" && $last ne ""} { dict set arg($last) argument 1 set last "" } else { set arg(-$c) [dict create pattern $pat argument 0] set last -$c } } } } } while {[llength $list]} { set rest [lassign $list opt] # Does it look like an option? if {$opt eq "-" || [string index $opt 0] ne "-"} break # Is it the end-of-options option? if {$opt eq "--"} {set list $rest; break} set option [string range $opt 0 1] set value 1 if {$option eq "--"} { # Long format option set argument [regexp {(--[^=]+)=(.*)} $opt -> opt value] if {[info exists arg($opt)]} { set option $opt } elseif {[llength [set match [array names arg $opt*]]] == 1} { set option [lindex $match 0] } else { # Unknown or ambiguous option set value $opt set option unknown } if {[dict get $arg($option) argument]} { if {$argument} { } elseif {[llength $rest]} { set rest [lassign $rest value] } else { set value $option set option missing } } elseif {$argument} { set value $option set option argument } } elseif {![info exists arg($option)]} { set value $option set option unknown if {[string length $opt] > 2} { set rest [lreplace $list 0 0 [string replace $opt 1 1]] } } elseif {[dict get $arg($option) argument]} { if {[string length $opt] > 2} { set value [string range $opt 2 end] } elseif {[llength $rest]} { set rest [lassign $rest value] } else { set value $option set option missing } } elseif {[string length $opt] > 2} { set rest [lreplace $list 0 0 [string replace $opt 1 1]] } invoke [dict get $arg($option) pattern] $body set list $rest } set option arglist set value $list invoke arglist $body } proc getopt::invoke {pat body} { set rc [catch {uplevel 2 [list switch -- $pat $body]} msg] if {$rc == 1} {usage $msg} if {$rc == 99} {help $body} } proc getopt::usage {msg} { set name [file tail $::argv0] puts stderr "$name: $msg" puts stderr "Try `$name --help' for more information." exit 2 } proc getopt::noargs {list} { if {[llength $list] > 0} {usage "too many arguments"} } proc getopt::missing {option} { usage "option '$option' requires an argument" } proc getopt::argoop {option} { usage "option '$option' doesn't allow an argument" } proc getopt::nfound {body option} { if {[string match --?* $option]} { set map [list * \\* ? \\? \[ \\\[ \] \\\]] set possible [dict keys $body [string map $map $option]*] } else { usage "invalid option -- '$option'" } if {[llength $possible] == 0} { usage "unrecognized option '$option'" } set msg "option '$option' is ambiguous; possibilities:" foreach n $possible { if {[string match *: $n]} {set n [string range $n 0 end-1]} append msg " '$n'" } usage $msg } proc getopt::comment {code} { set lines [split $code \n] if {[set x1 [lsearch -regexp -not $lines {^\s*$}]] < 0} {set x1 0} if {[set x2 [lsearch -start $x1 -regexp -not $lines {^\s*#}]] < 0} { set x2 [llength $lines] } for {set rc "";set i $x1} {$i < $x2} {incr i} { lappend rc [regsub {^\s*#\s?} [lindex $lines $i] {}] } return $rc } proc getopt::help {body} { set max 28 set tab 8 set arg "" set opts {} dict for {pat code} $body { switch -glob -- $pat { -- {} --?*: {lappend opts [string range $pat 0 end-1]=WORD} --?*:* { set x [string first : $pat] lappend opts [string replace $pat $x $x =] } --?* {lappend opts $pat} -?* { foreach c [split [string range $pat 1 end] {}] { if {$c ne ":"} {lappend opts -$c} } } arglist { set lines [comment $code] if {[llength $lines] > 0} { set arg [lindex $lines 0] } else { set arg {[FILE]...} } continue } } if {$code eq "-"} continue set lines [comment $code] if {[llength $lines] == 0} { # Hidden option set opts {} continue } set short [lsearch -glob -all -inline $opts {-?}] set long [lsearch -glob -all -inline $opts {--?*}] if {[llength $short]} { set str " [join $short {, }]" if {[llength $long]} {append str ", "} } else { set str " " } append str [join $long {, }] " " set tab [expr {max($tab, [string length $str])}] foreach line $lines { lappend out $str $line set str "" } set opts {} } set name [file tail $::argv0] puts stderr [format {Usage: %s [OPTION]... %s} $name $arg] if {![catch {open [uplevel 1 info script]} f]} { while {[gets $f line] > 0} { if {[string match {#[#!]*} $line]} continue if {[string match {#*} $line]} { puts stderr [regsub {^#\s*} $line {}] } else { break } } close $f } puts stderr "\nMandatory arguments to long options\ are mandatory for short options too." foreach {s1 s2} $out { if {[string length $s1] > $tab} { puts stderr $s1 set s1 "" } puts stderr [format {%-*s %s} $tab $s1 $s2] } exit 1 } namespace import getopt::* ====== <> Argument Processing