[iu2] - 01-16-2007 Forming a [list] out of another list can be achieved with one line of code. Taking the examples from the [tcl] documentation about '''[struct::list] map''' we get mapping with at least two lines of code: tclsh> # squaring all elements in a list tclsh> proc sqr {x} {expr {$x*$x}} tclsh> ::struct::list map {1 2 3 4 5} sqr 1 4 9 16 25 tclsh> # Retrieving the second column from a matrix tclsh> # given as list of lists. tclsh> proc projection {n list} {::lindex $list $n} tclsh> ::struct::list map {{a b c} {1 2 3} {d f g}} {projection 1} b 2 f In tcl 8.5 they can be rewritten as one liners like this: # squaring % ::struct::list map {1 2 3 4 5} {apply {x {expr {$x*$x}}}} 1 4 9 16 25 # projection % ::struct::list map {{a b c} {1 2 3} {d f g}} {apply {x {lindex $x 1}}} b 2 f Comments and improvements to this form can be reviewed in [foreach little friends], where I talked about ''struct::list'' and ''apply'' as an introduction to something else. This is only a step towards list comprehensions. I used list comprehensions a lot in Python and I miss them in tcl. List comprehensions have several advantages over other methods of forming lists: * A one liner, yet very clear * Can handle more than one list * Engages both mapping and filtering I would describe Python's list comprehensions syntax as addictive. I used it only a couple of times before I through away the classic map/filter and lambda as a means of forming lists out of other lists. I also started using list comprehensions where I would usually use looping. Many coding patterns seem unnecessary until one tries them out. For example, giving another name to a proc can be achieved via both '''interp alias {}...''' and a '''proc'''. I still don't get what '''iterp alias {}...''' does that a simple '''proc''' doesn't, but I do feel that if I use 'iterp' for a couple of times I will. After all it requires less coding. Perhaps when I find it convenient I will use it more often, hence improving my programming techniques - same function with different names. The same applies to list comprehensions. A few examples form Python: # squaring >>> lis = [1,2,3,4,5] >>> lis = [x*x for x in lis] >>> lis [1, 4, 9, 16, 25] Given ''lis = [[1,2,3,4,5]]'' one can calculate the sum of squares in a one short clear line >>> sum([x*x for x in lis]) 55 And here is the projection example # projection >>> [x[1] for x in [['a','b','c'],[1,2,3],['d','f','g']]] ['b', 2, 'f'] Working with more than one list using zip: # calculating the differences between elements from two lists and taking only the ones that are not 0 >>> list1 = [10,20,30,40,50] >>> list2 = [9, 20, 28, 40, 50] >>> print [x-y for x,y in zip(list1, list2) if x-y > 0] [1, 2] A few times I needed to count all the non empty lines in a file. A brute force, yet elegant list comprehension solution is # txt holds the entire text lis = [line for line in txt.splitlines() if line.strip() != ""] coutn = len(lis) coutn = len(lis) Indeed a regular expression will do here too, but crafting it will not take 20 (or less) seconds - the time needed to write the list comprehension. .''' and a '''proc'''. I still don't get what '''iterp alias {}...''' does that a simple '''proc''' doesn't, but I do feel that if I use 'iterp' for a couple of times I will. After all it requires less coding. Perhaps when I find it convenient I will use it more often, hence improving my programming techniques - same function with different names. The same applies to list comprehensions. The same thing with tcl would probably be set lines {} foreach line [split $txt \n] { if {[string trim $line] ne ""} {lappend lines $line} } set count [split $lines \n] or regsub -all -lineanchor {^\s*?\n} $txt "" txt2 set count [split $txt2 \n] set count [split $txt2 \n] none of which, I feel, fits the task properly. The first one is too long for such a simple thing, and the second one, well, didn't come out right on the first trial. Python (like Haskell) also supports nested '''for'''s like in >>> lis1 = [1,2,3] >>> lis2 = ['a','b','c'] >>> [[x,y] for x in lis1 for y in lis2] [[1, 'a'], [1, 'b'], [1, 'c'], [2, 'a'], [2, 'b'], [2, 'c'], [3, 'a'], [3, 'b'], [3, 'c']] but I'll do without it for now. Is this nice syntax can be imported to tcl? I would like it in further versions. I played with several forms of list comprehensions. The amount of braces stemming from tcl's syntax realy makes it difficult to come up with a nice syntax. Eventually, inspired by [bind] and [little language] I've come up with this: # A helper proc: perform foreach the paramters given as one list proc foreachlist {list body} { uplevel 1 foreach $list [list $body] } # list comprehension proc lisco {group {var ""}} { # extract params regexp {(.*?)(?:\sfor\s)(.*?)(?:\sif\s(.*?)$|$)} $group dummy cmd lists if if {$if eq ""} {set if 1} # generate foreach line and string-map expression set nums 0 set mapExp {%% % } foreach list [uplevel 1 [list subst [uplevel 1 list $lists]]] { ;# 8-( incr nums lappend foreachLine $nums $list lappend mapExp %$nums $$nums } # build result list set res {} foreachlist $foreachLine { set mapExp2 [subst $mapExp] set cmd2 [string map $mapExp2 $cmd] set rtmp [uplevel 1 $cmd2] set cond [string map [concat $mapExp2 [list %r $rtmp]] $if] if {[uplevel 1 [list expr $cond]]} {lappend res $rtmp} } if {$var ne ""} {uplevel 1 [list set $var $res]} return $res } Here are a few examples using it: # squaring % lisco {expr {%1*%1} for {1 2 3 4 5}} 1 4 9 16 25 Why waste space on named arguments? One list requires one argument - %1. Now with two lists: two lists: set list1 {10 20 30 40 50} set list2 {9 20 28 40 50} lisco {expr {%1-%2} for $list1 $list2 if [expr %1-%2] > 0} result puts $result 1 2 Another convenience 'keyword' is %r (for 'reference'), with which the previous lisco may be written like this: lisco {expr {%1-%2} for $list1 $list2 if %r > 0} result puts $result 1 2 Better the Python! The auto-variables, %1, %2, %r are substituted using '''string map''' so when they might contain lists, they need to be grouped. Like in the projection example: # projection % lisco {lindex "%1" 1 for {{a b c} {1 2 3} {d f g}}} b 2 f Now counting the non-empty lines may be achieved this way lisco {list %1 for [split $txt \n] if [llength "%r"] > 0} lines or lisco {format "%1" for [split $txt \n] if [string trim "%r"] ne ""} lines then set counlines [llength $lines] lisco might need more polishing. It also supports only %1-%9 variables (who needs more anyway). The '''for''' and '''if''' words are used as keywords so you can't have them anywhere else in the expression (not so good if you've got a list containing one of them...), but the idea is clear: Having a nice syntax for forming lists, which will be convenient to use. Like in Python. ---- [RS] For the line counting, the [regexp]s need not be very complicated. My train of thought was: count newlines (\n), subtract double-newlines (\n\n): expr {[regexp -all \n $txt] - [regexp -all \n\n $txt]} But of course this is no list comprehension, just a "string comprehension" alternative :^) ---- [iu2] I've tried it on set txt { hello, This is a line of text and another line } There are 5 non-empty lines and using expr {[regexp -all \n $txt] - [regexp -all \n\n $txt]} gives 10 Or did you mean counting all the lines? ---- [Category Discussion]