Version 11 of args

Updated 2004-12-09 14:47:18

Special name for an argument to a proc - if it's last in the argument list, it will contain a list (possibly empty) of all the remaining arguments.

example args

   Class Club -parameter {id {name unknown}}
   Class Player -superclass Club -parameter {{name unknown} {position unknown}}

   Player proc show_players '''args''' {
     if { [string length $args] == 0} {
       puts "Show players DB"
       foreach p [my info instances] {
         puts "[$p name] [$p position]"

     set pos [string toupper $args]
     puts "Players with postition $pos:"
     foreach p [my info instances] {
       foreach char [split $pos {}] {
         if {[string first $char [$p position]] == 1} {
           puts "[$p name] [$p position]"

Is it just me, or is that a pretty poor example of args? for one, it uses rather unconventional quoting (what's with all the single quotes?). Second, you do string length $args and string toupper $args but you firmly established that args is a list, not a string. It is generally accepted as bad practice to perform string operations on lists.