What: balloon Where: ftp://ftp.procplace.com/pub/tcl/sorted/packages-7.6/devel/balloon-1.0.tar.gz Description: Simple Tk 4.0/4.1/4.2/8.0 library to create balloon help. Updated: 10/1998 Contact: mailto:vitus@ice.ru (Victor Wagner) ---- [male] - 2003-12-15: so many people started to develop their GUI balloons or [tooltips] and here is mine: * usage: '''balloon''' ''widget'' ''?option value option value ...?'' * widget: the name of the widget to be linked * options: '''-background''': background colour, like in all other widgets '''-dismissdelay''': time to wait in miliseconds before dismissing/destroying the balloon '''-foreground''': foreground colour, affecting the font colour, like in all other widgets '''-label''': if given, this label text will be shown in bold and closed with a colon in the next line the balloon text will be shown '''-showdelay''': time to wait in miliseconds before showing the balloon after entering the widget '''-text''': text to be shown in the balloon '''-textvariable''': the given variable name will be used to flexiblize the text inside the balloon. It will override the option '''-text''' * save the source code and make a simple pkgIndex.tcl file with: package ifneeded balloon 1.0 [list source [file join $dir balloon.1.0.tcl]]; * the source code: package provide balloon 1.0; namespace eval ::balloon { proc this {} "return [namespace current];"; variable state; array unset state; array set state {}; proc balloon {w args} { variable state; if {[info exists state($w.background)]} { foreach var [array names $w.*] { set [lindex [split $var "."] end] $state($var); } } else { set background lightyellow; set dismissdelay 5000; set foreground black; set label ""; set showdelay 500; set text ""; set textvariable ""; } foreach {option value} $args { set var [string range $option 1 end]; switch -exact -- $option { -bg - -background - -fg - -foreground { if {[string match "f*" $var]} { set var foreground; } else { set var background; } if {[catch {winfo rgb $parent $value;}]} { error "expected valid $var colour name or value, but got \"$value\""; } } -dismissdelay - -showdelay { if {![string is integer -strict $value]} { error "expected integer delay value in ms, but got \"$value\""; } } -label {} -text {} -textvariable {} default { error "bad option \"$option\": must be -background, -dismissdelay, -foreground, -label, -showdelay, or -text"; } } set $var $value; } array unset state $w.*; if {$showdelay == -1} { bind $w {}; bind $w {}; return; } set state($w.background) $background; set state($w.foreground) $foreground; set state($w.dismissdelay) $dismissdelay; set state($w.label) $label; set state($w.showdelay) $showdelay; set state($w.text) $text; set state($w.textvariable) $textvariable; if {!$showdelay} { bind $w [list \ after \ $showdelay \ [list [namespace code showCB] %W] \ ]; bind $w [list [namespace code destroyCB] %W]; } return; } proc destroyCB {w} { variable state; catch {destroy $w.balloon;}; if {[info exists state($w.id)] && ($state($w.id) != "")} { catch {after cancel $state($w.id);}; set state($w.id) ""; } return; } proc showCB {w} { if {[eval winfo containing [winfo pointerxy .]] != $w} { return; } variable state; set top $w.balloon; set width 0; set height 0; catch {destroy $top;} if {!$state($w.showdelay)} { return; } toplevel $top \ -relief solid \ -background $state($w.foreground) \ -borderwidth 1; wm withdraw $top; wm overrideredirect $top 1; wm sizefrom $top program; wm resizable $top 0 0; if {$state($w.label) != ""} { pack [label $top.label \ -text $state($w.label) \ -background $state($w.background) \ -foreground $state($w.foreground) \ -font {{San Serif} 8 bold} \ -anchor w \ -justify left \ ] -side top -fill x -expand 0; update idletasks; set width [winfo reqwidth $top.label]; set height [winfo reqheight $top.label]; } if {($state($w.text) != "") || ($state($w.textvariable) != "")} { if {$state($w.textvariable) != ""} { upvar 0 $state($w.textvariable) textvariable; set state($w.text) $textvariable; } pack [message $top.text \ -text $state($w.text) \ -background $state($w.background) \ -foreground $state($w.foreground) \ -font {{San Serif} 8} \ -aspect 10000 \ -justify left \ ] -side top -fill x -expand 0; update idletasks; catch { if {$width < [winfo reqwidth $top.text]} { set width [winfo reqwidth $top.text]; } incr height [winfo reqheight $top.text]; } } catch { update idletasks; if {[winfo pointerx $w]+$width > [winfo screenwidth $w]} { set x [expr {[winfo screenwidth $w] - 10 - $width}]; } else { set x [expr {[winfo pointerx $w] + 10}]; } wm geometry $top \ ${width}x${height}+${x}+[expr {[winfo pointery $w]+10}]; wm deiconify $top; raise $top; set state($w.id) [after \ $state($w.dismissdelay) \ [list [namespace code destroyCB] $w] \ ]; } return; } namespace export -clear balloon; } namespace import -force ::balloon::*; ---- [Category Package] [Category GUI]