[[Has anyone written a tool which would graphically display text in various tickler / banner formats, fonts, colors, etc. - something that could be used for alerts, advertising, whatever?]] [RS]: [strimj - string image routines] contains code for administering and using pixel fonts in pure-Tcl, which might also be used for fixed-pitch ASCII banners as known from 1907's printouts :) strimj::text Hello returns a banner-like human-readable pattern (as a string, with newlines), that can be fed into the other routines (or puts [[string map {. " "} ...]]: @...@.......@.@...... @...@.......@.@...... @...@..@@@..@.@..@@@. @@@@@.@...@.@.@.@...@ @...@.@@@@@.@.@.@...@ @...@.@.....@.@.@...@ @...@.@...@.@.@.@...@ @...@..@@@..@.@..@@@.