Along with all the slick widget packages--[BLT], [ClassyTcl], and so on--which build in canvas-oriented barcharting, there's a dead-simple but too-little-known [pure-Tcl] technique, the "dilation trick" for generating barcharts for Web applications. [[Show picture of example output []. Show sample code. Discuss axes and legends. Explain alternatives for generation of color image. Refer to color codes.]] [[Cross-language comments in [].]] A different way to roughly the same visual content is by way of [JavaScript]. This is interesting simply for its architectural distinctiveness. [] provides examples. With more recent graphical browsers, [CSS] provides a couple of ways to fabricate bars, including this example taken from Peter van Kamen:

"[Web special effects]" has related information. ---- It's easy enough to whip together a simple barchart on a [canvas] without any extension. Here's an example: pack [canvas .c] set y_origin 100 set x_origin 20 set heights {11 30 15 16 77 5 14 12 8 33 9} foreach height $heights { set x_next [expr $x_origin + 5] .c create rectangle \ $x_origin $y_origin $x_next [expr $y_origin - $height] set x_origin $x_next } ---- [Category GUI] |