Bignum v1.0 - a [critcl] tcl wrapper to libgmp WHAT: provides these packages: * bigint - which provides wrappers for arbitrary precision integers * bigfloat - which provides wrappers for arbitrary precision floats * bignum - both bigint and bigfloat WHERE: DEPENDENCIES: This works with libgmp3 4.1.1 or similar under Linux; get it from any gnu archive (if you haven't got it). To recompile it, you'll need the latest version of [critcl]; is where you'll find it. INSTALL: unpack this in /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib, or wherever your tcl resides. AUTHOR: [Colin McCormack] LICENSE: It's licensed under GPL - of necessity, as libgmp is. SEE ALSO: [] [SS]'s [bignum in pure Tcl] ---- I've modified bignum to use the latest Critcl and built a cross-platform library Starkit with binaries for Linux, Windows and OSX [] To use, either unpack the Starkit and copy the contents of the lib directory into somewere on your auto_path, or just source it directly tclkit % source bignum.kit % package require bignum % bigint::add 1111111111111111111111111111 2222222222222222222222222222 3333333333333333333333333333 The binaries on Windows and Linux are statically linked against libgmp (and therefore self-contained) but I couldn't get this working on OSX so you'll need to have gmp installed on your LDPATH to use bignum on OSX. I'll have another go later. The modified source is available at [] [stevel] 27 Jan 05 ---- [Category Package] | [Category Mathematics] [ CHEAT LAMISIL!] [ NEW LAMISIL INFO!] [ Lamisil Cream!] [ LAMISIL and oher!] [ LAMICTAL NEW!] [ NEW LAMICTAL INFO!] [ Where to buy LAMICTAL!] [ Fast Advanced Web Searching!]