What: binary data access - tclbin (Demailly) Where: http://www.box.eu.org/%7Edl/tclbin.html ftp://ftp.box.eu.org/tcl/tclbin.tar.gz ftp://ftp.procplace.com/pub/tcl/sorted/packages-7.6/devel/tclbin-1.2.tar.gz Description: TclBin allows access to binary data from Tcl, including a paradigm for pointers, structures, etc. Latest version can be built as a Tcl 7.6 dynamically loadable extension. A sample geturl script is included. Send a "subscribe tclbin Your Name" line to mailto:listserv@mail.box.eu.org to subscribe to the tclbin mailing list. While this version compiles and passes all tests under Tcl 8, it doesn't take advantage of the new Tcl objects. Updated: 10/1998 Contact: mailto:L@demailly.com (Laurent Demailly) mailto:listserv@mail.box.eu.org (Tclbin mailing list) ---- [Category Package] [Category Binary Data]