<> http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=bisque "[X%|%X11%|%] bisque - also known as 'Ousterhout beige' - was for a long time the default color of [Tk] [GUI]'s." grid [label .l -text Bisque -bg #ffe4c4] ---- [D. McC]: For those who still like it (as I do), this works well: tk_setPalette background bisque [KBK] Even briefer: tk_bisque The "bisque is beautiful" slogan first appeared on a T-shirt [http://www.nyx.net/~tpoindex/tcl-wear/bisque.html] in 1995. ---- [GWM] bisque is a pottery term for part fired ware. Generally the pot will still be porous after firing to bisque temperature (about 950-1000 deg C) and the reddish/yellow cast of the material is due to remaining Iron impurities in the clay. Bisque is from french, bis cuit - cooked twice (also see Biscuit); the first firing sets the objects shape and any slip decoration; a second firing (possibly to a higher temperature) is used for glaze covering. Glaze is traditionally applied in suspension in water, so a porous pot sucks water in, and attracts an even layer of the glaze solid particles onto the surface ready to be fired. <> Glossary