Version 3 of c39 barcode in dxf

Updated 2009-03-18 14:25:23 by JBR

This writes a c39 type barcode and is coded for a laser etching on anodized aluminum (reverse video like). You'll also need Writing DXF. JBR

 # Code from

 proc c39.tables {} {
    set chars {}; set patterns {}
    foreach {char pattern} {
      0 111221211    1 211211112    2 112211112    3 212211111
      4 111221112    5 211221111    6 112221111    7 111211212
      8 211211211    9 112211211    A 211112112    B 112112112
      C 212112111    D 111122112    E 211122111    F 112122111
      G 111112212    H 211112211    I 112112211    J 111122211
      K 211111122    L 112111122    M 212111121    N 111121122
      O 211121121    P 112121121    Q 111111222    R 211111221
      S 112111221    T 111121221    U 221111112    V 122111112
      W 222111111    X 121121112    Y 221121111    Z 122121111
      - 121111212    . 221111211  " " 122111211    $ 121212111
      / 121211121    + 121112121    % 111212121    * 121121211
    } {lappend chars $char; lappend patterns $pattern}
    list $chars $patterns

 proc c39 {string {checksum ""}} {
    foreach {chars patterns} [c39.tables] break
    #-- blank out all undefined characters
    regsub -all {[^0-9A-Z.$/+%-]} [string toupper $string] " " string
    if {$checksum != ""} {
        set sum 0
        foreach char [split $string ""] {
            incr sum [lsearch -exact $chars $char]
        append string [lindex $chars [expr {$sum % 43}]]
    set res ""
    foreach char [split *$string* ""] {
        append res [lindex $patterns [lsearch -exact $chars $char]] 1
    set res

 proc dxf::barcode { x y w h string } {
        set y1 [expr $y + $h]

        set x0 $x
        set x  [expr $x + $w * 8]
        dxf::solidbox  $x0 $y $x $y1

        foreach { bar space } [split [c39 $string] ""] {
            set x [expr $x + $w * $bar]

            if { $space ne {} } {
                set x0 $x
                set x  [expr $x + $w * $space]

                dxf::solidbox $x0 $y $x $y1
        dxf::solidbox  $x $y [expr $x + $w * 8] $y1

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