chan - Manipulate channels (''[NEM]: this link is 404'', [schlenk]: The man pages for Tcl 8.5 at seem to be at 8.5a3, so they need an update. [DKF]: If the link isn't there yet, that's where it ''will'' be, OK?) '''chan''' ''option'' ?''arg arg ...''? ** See Also ** This command (introduced in Tcl 8.5) provides several operations on a channel, including many that have been available using a mix of other commands. ''Option'' indicates what to do with the channel. Any unique abbreviation for ''option'' is acceptable. The valid ''option''s are: (see complete man page; here's only notes on selected options). : '''chan''' ''action'' ?''arg arg ...''? ''Why was thing thing called 'chan' instead of 'channel'?'' [schlenk]: Its mentioned in the TIP [], basically same style as [interp] for interpreter. ''I see. Thank you for pointing that out. Pretty lame reasoning when "channel" is much more descriptive. But I'm not the one doing all the work so I'm not complaining! '' [AMG]: `chan` aggregates all the commands you'll need for working with '''[chan blocked]''' ''channelId'' '''[chan close]''' ''channelId'' '''[chan configure]''' ''channelId'' ?''optionName''? ?''value''? ?''optionName value''?... '''[chan copy]''' ''inputChan outputChan'' ?''options...''? '''[chan create]''' ''mode cmdPrefix'' '''[chan eof]''' ''channelId'' '''[chan event]''' ''channelId event'' ?''script''? '''[chan flush]''' ''channelId'' '''[chan gets]''' ''channelId'' ?''varName''? '''[chan names]''' ?''globPattern''? '''[chan postevent]''' ''channelId eventSpec'' '''[chan puts]''' ?'''-nonewline'''? ?''channelId''? ''string'' '''[chan read]''' ''channelId'' ?''numChars''? '''[chan read]''' ?'''-nonewline'''? ''channelId'' '''[chan seek]''' ''channelId offset'' ?''origin''? '''[chan tell]''' ''channelId'' '''[chan truncate]''' ''channelId'' ?''length''? ---- [[[Category Command]]]