<> ---- **Name** ''chesschart'' - widget to create flowcharts using chess coordinates or other user declared coordinate systems. **Description** [DDG] 2020-11-08: ''chesschart'' is a [snit] widget based on the Tk [canvas] widget to create in an easy way nice flowcharts using standard chess coordinates or other user defined coordinate systems. **Links** * Homepage: https://github.com/mittelmark/DGTcl * Download: https://github.com/mittelmark/DGTcl/tree/master/lib/chesschart * Manual: http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/mittelmark/DGTcl/blob/master/lib/chesschart/chesschart.html * Tutorial: http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/mittelmark/DGTcl/blob/master/lib/chesschart/doc/intro.html * Tcl2020 conference video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfIPM5eyuVA&t=970s * Version: 0.2 - 2020-12-03 * License: MIT **Example** Below a simple example to create a flowchart: ====== package require chesschart set demo [chesschart .chart -background white] pack $demo -side top -fill both -expand true $demo rect C5 -text "Chesschart" -width 140 -height 60 -color beige $demo oval A3 ;# default -text is coordinate, default -color is salmon $demo oval A1 ;# with -text string you can overwrite the text, etc. $demo oval B2 -color grey80 $demo oval C2 -color grey80 $demo oval D3 -color grey80 $demo oval D1 -color "light blue" $demo arrow A3 B2 -width 5 $demo arrow A1 B2 -width 5 $demo arrow B2 C2 -width 5 $demo arrow C2 D3 -width 5 $demo arrow C2 D1 -width 5 $demo arrow D3 D1 -width 5 $demo line C5 A3 # standard canvas commands still work $demo move all -20 -400 ====== **Image** Below is an image of the running application. [chesschart-image] ---- **See also** * [snidgets] (Snit widgets) ---- **Discussion** Please discuss here ... [DDG] - 2020-11-20: chesschart was in fact created as a toy example for presenting the [tmdoc::tmdoc] literate programming tool at the 2020 Tcl/Tk Conference. The complete presentations can be seen on youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfIPM5eyuVA [DDG] - 2020-12-03: version 0.2 fixes the pkgIndex.tcl file, adds colors for lines, splines, user defined coordinate systems and adds a background argument to allow canvas::snap create always figures of the same size. An tutorial made with [tmdoc::tmdoc] was added as well: http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/mittelmark/DGTcl/blob/master/lib/chesschart/doc/intro.html%|%tutorial%|% [chw] - 2020-12-03: very nice! What about adding a constructor option and respective additional logic to alternatively use the [tkpath] canvas widget? The immediate benefit is antialiased rendering for Windows and POSIX platforms and potentially alpha blending for canvas elements. High quality PDF output should be possible, too. <> Package | Widget | Snit Widgets