[[Discuss what a class is. This will be, I suspect, a part of the overall object oriented information here on the wiki]] A class, in [object orientation] parlance, an abstract description of the executable actions and type of data and state that an [object] instantiation of said class will have. A class can consist of state representation, [data], and executable code such as initialization, cleanup, and operations (frequently called [method]s) that the object can invoke. Yuck - don't like that definition! ---- [DKF]: I like to think of a class as being the [type] of one or more [object]s, as well as a [factory] for those objects. Not all OO systems uses classes though (e.g. [SELF] uses prototypical objects). ---- Feel free to add your own definition. ---- **incr tcl class command** The string "class" is also used as an extension command name, at least within [itcl]. See also [a class code generator] ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Glossary] | [Category Object Orientation] |% !!!!!!