See for the formal man page. Example: %clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S returns an ISO8601 [] formatted timestamp, such as: 2006-06-24T09:48:29 ---- [JMN] 2006-06-24 [[clock format]] doesn't directly allow you to produce an ISO8601 timestamp that includes fractional seconds - you have to tack that on yourself because [[clock format]] expects an integer number of seconds. I guess you can just grab the last 3 digits of [[clock milliseconds]] and tack them on with the '.' separator. ---- Recent implementations (e.g Tcl 8.5a4) of [[clock format]] show a fivefold slow-down in comparison to Tcl 8.4. e.g now roughly 0.5 milliseconds per [[clock format]] on an old 400MHZ machine While I understand this is due to the long overdue [Reworking the clock command] - and the current implementation is pure Tcl.. Can we expect an improvement of the performance of this? I think this is actually quite important. Many systems use timestamps extensively - and also need to extract fields (year,minute etc) relatively quickly. e.g Logging systems, mail handling protocols, certain object-oriented models. ---- [[clock format]] in Tcl8.5 now accepts extra options such as -timezone. See for the formal man page. Is all this extra timezone stuff going to cost us in terms of performance? If so - would it make sense to have a separate command for fast extraction of basic timestamp fields - without the complication of timezones? i.e treat the provided timestamp as TAI and the caller can use [[expr]] to add the relevant timezone offset before formatting if they need to. (Maybe some other command could then be made available to calculate offsets that account for timezones and leap-seconds?) e.g something like [[clock fields [clock milliseconds] -resolution milliseconds] returning a minimal fixed order list suitable for use by [[array set]] or [[lindex]], [[lassign]] etc. {year 2006 month 06 day 24 hour 09 min 48 sec 29 millisec 11} ---- See also: [clock] & Parsing ISO8601 dates and times [] ---- ---- [[ [Category Command] | [Category Date and Time] ]]