Returns the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970. Also known as "Unix time", "timestamp" or "epoch". Example: clock seconds on Dec 10 2004, 11:44:22, returns 1102686262 ---- See also: [clock] ---- [LV] Is the epoch the same on all platforms and operating systems? [MSW] Due to the source, at least under unix and windows the epoch is 1970-01-01 @ midnight. Under mac the epoch starts (due to the comments) Midnight Jan 1, 1904. mac/tclMacTime.c adds another tcl_mac_epoch_offset which is initialized by _mac_msl_epoch_offset_ if defined (and 0 otherwise), which I assume brings the Mac epoch in sync with the unix epoch. (I don't have a Mac handy to test...) [Lars H]: It's better to say 00:00 than midnight, since each day also has a midnight at 24:00. But there is also another ambiguity, with respect to the time zone. When I do [[clock format 0]] I get Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 CET 1970, which seems to indicate that the epoch is from 1970-01-01 T 00:00 Z (i.e., it's the UTC/GMT midnight). Is this true on all platforms which use the 1970 epoch? ---- [FPX] Anybody knows the difference between Unix and Macintosh epoch? I was stumbling about this recently, requiring a platform-independent "seconds since epoch" value. Seems like the best we can do is set sse [clock seconds] if {[string equal $::tcl_platform(platform) "macintosh"]} { incr sse } Is the constant simply (negative) 2082844800, i.e., 60*60*24*(365*66+17), 66 years with 17 leap years, or do we also have to factor in some number of leap seconds? [Lars H]: [Alpha] does the following []: # Convert seconds from 'epoch' to the unix epoch (used by 'clock'). proc ISOTime::fromEpoch {epoch when} { global ISOTime::systemEpoch if {$epoch == ""} { set epoch [set ISOTime::systemEpoch] } if {$epoch == "unix"} { return $when } elseif {$epoch == "mac"} { set when [expr $when + [clock scan "1904-01-01Z00:00:00"]] return [expr $when - [ISOTime::ZoneOffset $when "unix"]] } else { error "ISOTime error: Unknown epoch \"$epoch\"" } } Anyway the problem of the mac epoch is 2004 getting rather academic. ---- [[ [Category Command] | [Category Date and Time] ]]