: '''close''' ''channelId'' ?'''r'''('''ead''')|'''w'''('''rite''')?' ***DESCRIPTION*** This [Tcl] command closes the [channel] given by ''channelId''. ''ChannelId'' must be an identifier for an open channel such as a Tcl standard channel (stdin, stdout, or stderr), the return value from an invocation of [open] or [socket], or the result of a channel creation command provided by a Tcl extension. If '''r''' (or '''read''') is present and ''channelId'' was opened bidirectionally, then the channel will be “half-closed” so that it becomes only possible to write to it. Conversely with '''w''' (or '''write''') which closes the reader side of a bidirectional channel. This is particularly useful with a [chan pipe%|%pipe] or [socket]. ***MAN PAGE*** http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/TclCmd/close.htm ***SEE ALSO*** [file], [open], [socket], [eof], [channel], [exec], [stderr] ***EXAMPLES*** ====== set fh [open output.txt r] set data [read $fh] close $fh ====== <> [LV] What are the ramifications if you don't close a file in Tcl? Any? I assume a memory leak in long running ''[daemon]'' type apps... ---- [glennj]: When working with pipes (i.e. [[set pipe [[open "| some command"]]]]), and the pipe is blocking (i.e. [[fconfigure $pipe -blocking yes]] which is the default), then [[close $pipe]] throws an error if the command exited with non-zero status or if the command sent any output to stderr. example: set command {sh -c {echo "to stdout"; echo >&2 "to stderr"; exit 42}} set pipe [open "| $command"] set standard_output [read -nonewline $pipe] set exit_status 0 if {[catch {close $pipe} standard_error] != 0} { global errorCode if {"CHILDSTATUS" == [lindex $errorCode 0]} { set exit_status [lindex $errorCode 2] } } puts "exit status is $exit_status" puts "captured standard output: {$standard_output}" puts "captured standard error: {$standard_error}" Output is: exit status is 42 captured standard output: {to stdout} captured standard error: {to stderr} ---- [AMG]: [TIP] #332 "Half-Close for Bidirectional Channels" [http://tip.tcl.tk/332] adds an optional argument to specify which direction of the channel to close, like the shutdown(2) system call [http://linux.die.net/man/2/shutdown]. '''close''' ''channel'' ?'''read'''|'''write'''? ---- [Lordmundi] (2011-04-05): My google searches haven't been very fruitful, but is there any way to detect that a peer closed the connection before issuing the close on the socket? For example, I have a tcl web server which works will with most browsers, but when using wget, apparently it (wget) will close the socket as soon as it sees 404 in the header. So after i'm done writing all this output information to the socket, when i run [close $sock] i get an error saying "connection reset by peer". I'd like to be able to detect this if I could, but [eof $sock] doesn't return true and neither does [fblocked $sock]. Should I just wrap the close in a catch and forget about it? Or is there some cleanup i should be doing if the client closes the socket ahead of me? <> ---- !!!!!! [Tcl syntax help] - [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] %| [Category Command] | [Category Channel] |% !!!!!!