---- [LV] What are the ramifications if you don't close a file in Tcl? Any? I assume a memory leak in long running ''[daemon]'' type apps... ---- [glennj]: When working with pipes (i.e. [[set pipe [[open "| some command]]]]), and the pipe is blocking (i.e. [[fconfigure $pipe -blocking yes]] which is the default), then [[close $pipe]] throws an error if the command exited with non-zero status or if the command sent any output to stderr. example: set command {sh -c {echo "to stdout"; echo >&2 "to stderr"; exit 42}} set pipe [open "| $command"] set standard_output [read -nonewline $pipe] set exit_status 0 if {[catch {close $pipe} standard_error] != 0} { global errorCode if {"CHILDSTATUS" == [lindex $errorCode 0]} { set exit_status [lindex $errorCode 2] } } puts "exit status is $exit_status" puts "captured standard output: {$standard_output}" puts "captured standard error: {$standard_error}" Output is: exit status is 42 captured standard output: {to stdout} captured standard error: {to stderr} See also [exec] ---- See also [channel]. ---- [Tcl syntax help] - [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] - [Category Command]