Version 0 of comb

Updated 2004-06-10 18:23:59

Richard Suchenwirth 2004-06-10 - A challenge in Tcl programs for beginners made me rebake an earlier half-baked idea: the pattern of a data comb which returns some string depending on a numeric value and a specification, which gives the possible strings and the borderline values, e.g. (in Centigrades):

 {"bitter cold" -10 cold 10 fresh 15 nice 25 warm 30 hot}

You can consider the even elements of this list as being the comb's tooth, and the even elements as the values to return. The code is of course pretty easy:

 proc comb {x spec} {
    foreach {value limit} $spec {if {$x<$limit} {return $value}}
    return $value

# Testing:

 % comb 11 {child 13 teen 19 adult}
 % comb 15 {child 13 teen 19 adult}
 % comb 99 {child 13 teen 19 adult}

Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming