What: commas added to numbers Where: From the contact Description: Tiny Tcl regsub comma to add commas to numbers, taking leading white space, - or +, and decimal points into account. Updated: ? Contact: mailto:allen@gdstech.grumman.com (John Allen) ---- In [Bag of algorithms] there's a one-liner alternative by [Peter Spjuth] (in the Tcl chatroom, 2004-10-05) using modern regexp features: ====== proc commify number {regsub -all {\d(?=(\d{3})+($|\.))} $number {\0,}} ====== e.g.: % commify 1000000.00 1,000,000.00 ---- Comment: commify only works for numbers with less than 3 digits after decimal point e.g. () 4 % commify 1234567.123456 1,234,567.123,456 ---- [AMG]: I added some code to [SYStems]'s page that puts _'s in numbers in the same place commas would go. There's both a [[[for]]] version and a [[[regsub]]] version. It's not possible (I don't think) to make a one-liner [[[regsub]]] that correctly places commas ''after'' the decimal point since such a feature would require "look-behind" patterns, so I reverse the string, [[[regsub]]], then reverse again. ---- [KPV] The following is a tcl translation of a perl code snippet to add commas to a number. It's not quite a one-liner but pretty close. ====== proc commify { num {sep ,} } { while {[regsub {^([-+]?\d+)(\d\d\d)} $num "\\1$sep\\2" num]} {} return $num } ====== If you want groupings other than 3 try: ====== proc commify { num {sep ,} {groupSize 3}} { while {[regsub "^(\[-+]?\\d+)(\\d{$groupSize})" $num "\\1$sep\\2" num]} {} return $num } ====== ---- [WJP] See [Delimiting Numbers] for a procedure that can handle groups of size other than three (such as the groups of size four used in some Asian languages). ---- [jbr] The one liner is the combination of the original code above and the explicit selection of the trailing decimals: ====== proc commify number {regsub -all \\d(?=(\\d{3})+([regexp -inline {\.\d*$} $number]$)) $number {\0,}} ====== Getting a little wide but fully parameterized: ====== proc commify { n { s , } { g 3 } } { regsub -all \\d(?=(\\d{$g})+([regexp -inline {\.\d*$} $n]$)) $n \\0$s } ====== <> Package | Mathematics