The [TWAPI] based '''countdownMsgBox''' is made to use the normal Windows message box (tcl_messageBox) with a countdown allowing an automated closing of this message box with the return of a default button. The syntax is basically taken from tcl_messageBox, but slightly extended by ... '''''-message''' (string | formatString)'': the message string, probably used with [format] to include the current countdown number into the message '''''-title''' (string | formatString)'': the title string, probably used with [format] to include the current countdown number into the title '''''-format''' (message | title)'': specifies, if to use the message or title string to [format] it using the current countdown number (default: message) '''''-countdown''' integer'': specifies the seconds to count down (default: 30) '''''-step''' integer'': specifies the step in seconds to decrement the current count down (default: 1) '''''-closeonend''' ?boolean?'': tells, if to close automatically the message box on the end of the count down '''''-closeonend''' (abort | cancel | ignore | no | ok | retry | yes)'': specifies the default button to be returned on an automated closing of the message box (default: ok) This '''countdownMsgBox''' relies on the structure of the default Windows message box, which has a certain window class and only two so called ''STATIC'' elements (the icon and the message text). This means, that the message text is modified on each count down decrementation using [TWAPI] and that the message box is, if wanted, closed using [TWAPI]. Now the tcl 8.5+ related source ... ---- package provide countdownMsgBox 2.0; package require twapi 2; uplevel #0 { namespace eval ::countdownMsgBox { proc updateMsgBox {closedOnEndVar existingHwnds format title message countdown step closeOnEnd} { set hwnds [twapi::find_windows -pids [pid] -toplevel 1 -class #32770]; if {![llength $hwnds]} { return; } foreach hwnd [lreverse $hwnds] { if {$hwnd ni $existingHwnds} { if {$format eq "title"} { twapi::set_window_text $hwnd [format $title $countdown]; } else { set msgHwnd [lindex [twapi::get_child_windows $hwnd] end]; twapi::set_window_text $msgHwnd [format $message $countdown]; } break; } } if {$countdown > 0} { after \ $step \ [list \ namespace inscope [namespace current] updateMsgBox \ $closedOnEndVar \ $existingHwnds \ $format $title $message \ [incr countdown -1] $step \ $closeOnEnd \ ]; } elseif {$closeOnEnd} { variable $closedOnEndVar; twapi::close_window $hwnd; set $closedOnEndVar 1; } return; } proc countdownMsgBox {args} { array set options [twapi::parseargs args { {parent.arg ""} {icon.arg info {error info question warning}} {type.arg okcancel {abortretryignore ok okcancel retrycancel yesno yesnocancel}} {title.arg ""} {message.arg ""} {format.arg message {title message}} { 30} { 1} {closeonend.switch} {closeonendbutton.arg ok {abort cancel ignore no ok retry yes}} }]; set closedOnEndVar [expr {srand(round(rand()*1000000))}]; variable $closedOnEndVar; set $closedOnEndVar 0; set step [expr {round($options(step) * 1000)}]; set parent [list]; if {$options(parent) ne ""} { set parent [list -parent $options(parent)]; } set existingHwnds [twapi::find_windows -pids [pid] -toplevel 1 -class #32770]; after \ $step \ [list \ namespace inscope [namespace current] updateMsgBox \ $closedOnEndVar \ $existingHwnds \ $options(format) $options(title) $options(message) \ [expr {$options(countdown) - 1}] $step \ $options(closeonend) \ ]; set rc [tk_messageBox \ {*}$parent \ -icon $options(icon) \ -type $options(type) \ -title [expr {$options(format) eq "title" ? [format $options(title) $options(countdown)] : $options(title)}] \ -message [expr {$options(format) eq "message" ? [format $options(message) $options(countdown)] : $options(message)}] \ ]; if {[set $closedOnEndVar] && ($options(closeonendbutton) ne "")} { return $options(closeonendbutton); } return $rc; } namespace export -clear countdownMsgBox; } namespace import -force countdownMsgBox::*; } ---- Example usages: countdownMsgBox -parent . -icon question -title "countdown" -message {Countdown at %ld seconds} -format message -countdown 10; countdownMsgBox -parent . -icon question -title "countdown" -message {Countdown at %ld seconds} -format message -countdown 10 -closeonend -closeonendbutton cancel; ---- !!!!!! %|[Category Foreign Interfaces] |[Category Package] | [Category Windows]|% !!!!!!