| What | '''csp''' | | Where | https://github.com/securitykiss-com/csp/ | | Description | A Golang-inspired ([CSP]) concurrency library for Tcl. | | Documentation | https://securitykiss.com/resources/tutorials/csp_project/csp.html | | Updated | 2015-07-29 | | License | MIT | ** Code example ** ====== # From https://securitykiss.com/resources/tutorials/csp_project/csp.html proc sender1 {ch} { foreach i {1 2 3 4} { puts "Sending $i" $ch <- $i } puts "Closing channel" $ch close } proc receiver1 {ch} { while 1 { puts "Receiving [<- $ch]" } } # create unbuffered (rendez-vous) channel channel ch go sender1 $ch go receiver1 $ch vwait forever ====== ** See Also ** * The [CSP] page catalogues a number of CSP/actor-model related packages. * https://chiselapp.com/user/aspect/repository/tcl-hacks/%|%tcl-hacks%|% includes a re-implementation of this package using TclOO ** Discussion ** <> Concurrency | Package