[VI] 2004-08-02: If you're blind without lenses like me. Or if you're old fashioned, unlike me, you might like this quaint digital display. uses [minimalist curses] and displays a large digital clock (white on black) in a terminal window. 2004-10-12 [VI]: Changed to support changes in [minimalist curses]. No more getch and timeout ====== #!/usr/local/tcl/8.4.5/bin/tclsh8.4 set fontmap { 7C CE DE F6 E6 C6 7C 00 30 70 30 30 30 30 FC 00 78 CC 0C 38 60 CC FC 00 78 CC 0C 38 0C CC 78 00 1C 3C 6C CC FE 0C 1E 00 FC C0 F8 0C 0C CC 78 00 38 60 C0 F8 CC CC 78 00 FC CC 0C 18 30 30 30 00 78 CC CC 78 CC CC 78 00 78 CC CC 7C 0C 18 70 00 00 18 18 00 00 18 18 00 00 18 18 00 00 18 18 30 18 30 60 C0 60 30 18 00 00 00 7E 00 7E 00 00 00 60 30 18 0C 18 30 60 00 3C 66 0C 18 18 00 18 00 } package require curses proc bigstr {str row col} { curses attr off reverse set reverse 0 set charno 0 foreach char [split $str {}] { binary scan $char c f set index [expr ($f - 0x30) * 8] for {set line 0} {$line < 8} {incr line} { set bitline 0x[lindex $::fontmap [expr $index + $line]] binary scan [binary format c $bitline] B8 charline set cix 0 foreach c [split $charline {}] { if {$c} { curses attr on reverse curses move [expr $row + $line] [expr $col + $charno * 8 + $cix] curses puts " " } incr cix } } incr charno } } proc display {} { curses erase bigstr [clock format [clock seconds] -format %H:%M:%S] 10 5 curses move 0 0 curses refresh after 1000 display } proc dclock {} { fconfigure stdin -buffering none -blocking 0 fileevent stdin readable {set ::forever 1} curses refresh; # empty the screen before we start display vwait ::forever read stdin; # clear out input queue before exit } dclock ====== --- [digital 7 segment display clock] <> Terminal