Documentation for this package can be found at ---- The cursor package is intended to display all available cursors on the specific platform. ---- [LV] Anyone know a way to create multi-colored and/or animated, cursors? [PT] 17-Jun-2005: On Windows you can load system cursors for use as the Tk cursor for a given window. Windows supports the use of animated cursors by using .ani files. On WindowsXP the following will load an animated cursor (the arrow's tail wags): package require Tk . configure -cursor @c:/windows/Cursors/wagtail.ani [MG] After looking at the wagtail cursor, and realising Windows had a load of animated cursors in there I hadn't been away of, I wrote a quick-and-dirty script for browsing through them, which I'll share here in case anyone else wants it. package require Tk set pattern *.ani ;# animated cursors only #set pattern *.cur ;# only non-animated cursors #set pattern {{*.cur,*.ani}} ;# all cursors set list [glob -dir c:/windows/cursors $pattern] set x -1 bind all advance bind all advanceBack pack [label .l -text "Click to start!"] -side bottom pack [frame .f -height 150 -width 150] -side top proc advance {} { global list x incr x if { [llength $list] == $x } { set x 0 } foreach w [list . .f .l] { $w config -cursor @[lindex $list $x] } .l config -text "[lindex $list $x]\n[expr {$x+1}] of [llength $list]" };# advance proc advanceBack {} { global x if { $x >= "0" } { incr x -1 } foreach w [list . .l .f] { $w config -cursor {} } .l config -text "Click to resume..." };# advanceBack Just click to more forwards one (or go back to the start, if you're at the end), and right-click to "pause", and return to the default cursor, {}. (Right-clicking multiple times will backtrack through them, though it won't tell you it's doing so, and won't return to the end, when you go further back than the start.) ---- See also [cursors] ---- [[ [Category Package] | [Category GUI], a part of [Tklib] ]]