'''dgw::combobox''' [DDG] 2018-10-11: A [snidget] widget which behaves like a normal [ttk::combobox] but it is able to popup the internal listbox and filters the list items by the input given in the entry. The user just must supply the option ''-hidehits true''. '''Installation as Tcl-module''' Put the file with the source code somewhere in a directory like /home/username/tcl/dgw/combobox-0.1.tm In your code you would now have to write: ====== tcl::tm::path add /home/username/tcl package require dgw::combobox ====== See below for the code and an example usage. '''SOURCE''' ====== package require Tk 8.5 package require tile package require snit namespace eval ::dgw { } snit::widget ::dgw::combobox { option -values [list] # without -hidenohits true # we have a normal # ttk combobox option -hidenohits false variable Values delegate option * to combo except [list -values -postcommand] delegate method * to combo component combo constructor {args} { $self configurelist $args install combo using ttk::combobox $win.combo -values $options(-values) \ -postcommand [mymethod UpdateValues] bind $combo [mymethod Post %K] bind $combo [mymethod Post %K] pack $combo -side top -fill x -expand false set Values $options(-values) } onconfigure -values {vals} { set Values $vals set options(-values) $vals if {[winfo exists $combo]} { $combo configure -values $Values } } method UpdateValues {} { set text [string map [list {[} {\[} {]} {\]}] [$combo get]] $combo configure -values [lsearch -all -inline $Values $text*] } method Post {key} { #puts $key if {$options(-hidenohits)} { $self UpdateValues # save acces to internal function if {[string equal [info commands ::ttk::combobox::Post] ::ttk::combobox::Post]} { if {$key eq "Return"} { return } ::ttk::combobox::Post $combo if {$key ne "Down" && [llength [$combo cget -values]] > 1} { after 100 [list focus $combo] } elseif {$key eq "Down"} { set lb $combo.popdown.f.l if {[winfo exists $lb]} { after 100 [list focus $lb] } } } } } } package provide dgw::combobox 0.1 if {$argv0 eq [info script]} { wm title . "DGApp" pack [label .l0 -text "standard combobox"] ttk::combobox .c1 -values [list done1 done2 dtwo dthree four five six seven] pack .c1 -side top pack [label .l1 -text "combobox with filtering"] dgw::combobox .c2 -values [list done1 done2 dtwo dthree four five six seven] \ -hidenohits true pack .c2 -side top } ====== [img_dgw-combobox] <> Package | Widget | Snit Widgets <>Enter Category Here