'''dgw::hyperhelp - - hypertext help system <> '''Description''' [DDG] 2020-02-01: ''dgw::hyperhelp'' is a hypertext help system using a Wiki/Markdown like markup language, based on [A Hypertext Help System] which was cleaned up, extended and documented - HTML - manual links see below. Here an example help page for explaining the hyperhelp markup https://chiselapp.com/user/dgroth/repository/tclcode/doc/tip/dgw/help.txt The help browser system displays a nice table of contents table in a ttk::treeview widget, offers index, search facilities and sophisticated keyboard navigation. '''Links''' * Homepage: https://chiselapp.com/user/dgroth/repository/tclcode * Download: https://chiselapp.com/user/dgroth/repository/tclcode/download * Manual: https://chiselapp.com/user/dgroth/repository/tclcode/doc/tip/dgw/hyperhelp.html * Example help file: https://chiselapp.com/user/dgroth/repository/tclcode/doc/tip/dgw/help.txt * License: MIT '''Example''' The package is both a standalone application to directly view help files, as well loadable within an existing application. ====== package require dgw::hyperhelp set helpfile [file join [file dirname [info script]] help.txt] set hhelp [dgw::hyperhelp .help -helpfile $helpfile] pack $hhelp -side top -fill both -expand true $hhelp Help overview ====== '''Discussion''' Please discuss here: '''Image''' Below is an image of the running application. [dgw::hyperhelp-image] '''See also''' * [snidgets] (Snit widgets) * [[A Hypertext Help System] which was the starting point for this package <> Package | Widget | Snit Widgets