[DDG] 2019-12-29: A [snidget] tablelist based file browser widget to explore the file system and to execute certain actions on the currently selected file, such as opening it in an editor. Based on the tutorial code of Csaba Nemthi's [tablelist] widget. '''Homepage and Download''' * Homepage: https://chiselapp.com/user/dgroth/repository/tclcode * Download: https://chiselapp.com/user/dgroth/repository/tclcode/download * Manual: https://chiselapp.com/user/dgroth/repository/tclcode/doc/tip/dgw/sfilebrowser.html '''Installation as Tcl-module''' Put the file with the source code somewhere in a directory like /home/username/tcl/dgw/sfilebrowser-0.1.tm In your code you would now have to write: ====== tcl::tm::path add /home/username/tcl package require dgw::sfilebrowser ====== [dgw::sfilebrowser-image] See below for the code of this example: ====== package require dgw::sfilebrowser wm title . SFileBrowser option add *Tablelist.stripeBackground #c4e8ff pack [dgw::sfilebrowser .fb2 -treemode false] -side top -fill both -expand yes .fb2 browse /home/groth/workspace/detlef ====== ---- '''See also''' * [tlistbox] - dgw::tlistbox an easy to use tablelist based listbox widget with multiline support, search facilities) <> Package | Widget | Snit Widgets