**NAME** Internet Explorer as a Tk widget. **DESCRIPTION** [DDG] 2020-03-20: This is a WIP to wrap the Internet Explorer on Windows using the [twapi] package as a Tk widget. So it can be used to display websites inside Tk applications using the [COM] interface of [Internet Explorer]. The code below is based on the wiki page [Reparenting native applications on Windows]. **TODO** I was not able to remove the thick title bar. I workaround the issue by moving the window 25px on top, so that the title bar is almost not visible. May be some guys understanding the https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winmsg/window-styles%|%Windows style documentation%|% can fix this for me. I tried a few things but it did not work. Any suggestions? I found a workaround with Windows styles. The control has a property TheaterMode which gets rid of the title bar. ====== package require snit package require Tk package require twapi namespace eval dgwin { } snit::widget dgwin::ie { option -url https://wiki.tcl-lang.org variable ie variable ie_events constructor {args} { $self configurelist $args set ie [ twapi::comobj InternetExplorer.Application ] set w [ $ie HWND ] set wIE [ list $w HWND ] #https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winmsg/window-styles set WS_CHILD 0x40000000 set WS_BORDER 0x00800000 set WS_DLGFRAME 0x00400000 # did not work ; I like to have only a thin border around # and not a thick title frame border # any suggestion? set szStyleLst [ twapi::get_window_style $wIE ] set szStyle [ lindex $szStyleLst 0 ] set szExStyle [ lindex $szStyleLst 1 ] #puts "szStyle: $szStyle szExStyle: $szExStyle" set szStyle [ expr {$szStyle | $WS_CHILD} ] #puts "szStyle: $szStyle szExStyle: $szExStyle" twapi::set_window_style $wIE $szStyle $szExStyle #twapi::set_window_style $wIE $szStyle [expr $WS_BORDER] ;# did not change anything twapi::configure_window_titlebar $wIE -visible 0 $ie Visible 0 set szUrl $options(-url) $ie Navigate $szUrl twapi::resize_window $wIE 400 400 set frame [frame $win.tf -container true] set wParent [ twapi::tkpath_to_hwnd $frame ] twapi::SetParent $wIE $wParent $ie Resizable 1 $ie MenuBar 0 $ie AddressBar 0 $ie RegisterAsBrowser 1 $ie Visible 1 # fix for title frame $ie TheaterMode 1 set ie_events [ $ie -bind [mymethod ie_bind_events ]] #twapi::set_window_text $wIE "IE Child" bind $frame [mymethod moveWindow $wIE %w %h] #bind $frame [list onDestroy] #moveWindow $wIE [winfo width .] [winfo height .] $frame configure -width 400 -height 400 pack $frame -side top -fill both -expand true update $self moveWindow $wIE [winfo width $frame] [winfo height $frame] } onconfigure -url {value} { set options(-url) $value $ie Navigate $value } method ie_bind_events {args} { puts "events: $args" set nIndex 0 set nLength [ llength $args ] while { $nIndex < $nLength } { set arg [ lindex $args $nIndex ] if { [ string compare $arg "OnQuit" ] == 0 } { $ie -unbind $ie_events $ie Quit $ie -destroy set ie_forever 1 } if {$arg eq "NavigateComplete2"} { set url [lindex $args [expr {$nIndex + 2}]] # todo remove this title setting wm title . $url set options(-url) $url } incr nIndex } } method moveWindow {wId w h} { # fix to hide the title bar, not required anymore due to TheaterMode setting #incr h 25 twapi::resize_window $wId $w $h twapi::move_window $wId 0 0 } destructor { $ie -unbind $ie_events # calling quit here gives an error message #$ie Quit $ie -destroy } } ====== **EXAMPLE** Below is an example on how to use the widget: ====== wm title . "IE Demo on Windows" set ie [dgwin::ie .ie] pack $ie -side left -fill both -expand true $ie configure -url https://core.tcl.tk ====== Below an image of IE inside Tk: [dgwin-ie-image] **DISCUSSION** Please discuss here ... <>Windows | COM | Snit | Snit Widgets