'''Fred Limouzin: 2005/04/11.''' The [file size] command currently (i.e. Tcl8.4.9) does not support directories. A pure-Tcl solution involves adding recursively the size of files in the current and in sub-directories. Here's a Tk/GUI script that I wrote this week-end, which fits my need. I wanted a gradient-color indication for the size of directories. You can position the orange/yellow scale (size at which the color indicator is orange/yellow; below that value the indicator is gradient going toward green (size=0)) and the red scale (size from which the indicator is red!). A scale selector also lets you decide how many levels of sub-directories to display. '''Note''': at times it returns slight discrepencies with the info returned by the "properties" context-menu (on WinXp that is; haven't tested on unix yet). Since hidden files are covered in the script below, the discrepencies may be caused by system files. Generally speaking these differences -when they exist - are negligible. '''Note''': this doesn't yet support links (especially links on dir). Should be easy to add as long as we consider that a link on a dir has a size of 0 (in fact it's usually the length of the string representing the path of the object linked), but remember the script was used to find big directories, so again I take that as negligible!). Bear in mind this script fited '''my''' needs ;-). Screenshot: [http://dire.straits.free.fr/vertigo/dirsize2.gif] The code can also be found at http://dire.straits.free.fr/vertigo ([http://dire.straits.free.fr/vertigo]). #!/bin/sh # Frederic Limouzin Copyrights (c)2005; All rights reserved \ exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"} package require Tk set tcl_precision 17 catch {console hide} r ; unset r ############################################################################### set dir(root) C:/ ;# [file join C:/ Temp] set dir(log) [file join [pwd] [file tail [file rootname $argv0]].log] set dir(sel) $dir(root) if {[file exists $dir(log)]} { file rename -force $dir(log) $dir(log).bck } set Log [open $dir(log) w] set ::MAXLVL 2 ;# level of sub dir to display set ::KILO 1024.0 set ::MID 50 ;# 50% (orange) at mid in Mbytes set ::MAX 250 ;# 100% (red) at and above max in Mbytes ############################################################################### button .xit -text {Exit} -command {Quit} frame .d button .d.dirsel -text {Select Directory} -command {SelDir} -font Courier entry .d.dir -textvariable dir(sel) button .sze -text {Calc Size} -command {DirSize} -relief raised -font Courier scale .s -from 1 -to 30 -length 300 -resolution 1 \ -label {Max SubLevel to display:} -variable MAXLVL -command {} \ -orient horizontal -tickinterval 4 -showvalue true -relief groove scale .smid -from 1 -to [expr {int(1.0 * $::KILO)}] -length 300 -resolution 1 \ -label {50% (orange) at size (in Mbytes):} -variable MID -command {} \ -orient horizontal -tickinterval 100 -showvalue true -relief groove scale .smax -from 1 -to [expr {int(1.0 * $::KILO)}] -length 300 -resolution 1 \ -label {100% (red) at size (in Mbytes):} -variable MAX -command {} \ -orient horizontal -tickinterval 100 -showvalue true -relief groove frame .t set Txt .t.txt text $Txt -width 80 -height 15 -wrap none -font Courier \ -yscrollcommand {.t.scrolly set} -xscrollcommand {.t.scrollx set} scrollbar .t.scrollx -relief flat -orient horizontal -command {$Txt xview} scrollbar .t.scrolly -relief flat -orient vertical -command {$Txt yview} label .cprght -text {Copyrights (c)2005 Fred-Phenix, Fred Limouzin} pack .d.dirsel -side left pack .d.dir -side right -fill x -expand true pack .cprght -side bottom -fill x pack .t.scrollx -side bottom -fill x pack $Txt -side left -fill both -expand true pack .t.scrolly -side right -fill y pack .xit -side bottom -fill x pack .t -side bottom -fill both -expand true pack .d -side top -fill x pack .smid -side top -fill x pack .smax -side top -fill x pack .s -side top -fill x pack .sze -side top ############################################################################### # for input 12345678 # if m=0 : result = 12345678 bytes # if m=1 : result = 12,345,678 bytes (to be done) # if m=2 : result = 11.77 Mbytes proc Norma {v {m 0}} { if {$m == 0} { set rv "[expr {wide($v)}] bytes" } elseif {$m == 1} { ;# tbd set rv {to be done} } else { array set unitArr {0 bytes 1 kbytes 2 Mbytes 3 Gbytes 4 Tbytes} set idx 0 set nv $v while {true} { set dv $nv set nv [expr {1.0 * wide($dv) / $::KILO}] if {$nv > 1.0} { incr idx } else { break } } set rv [format {%3.2f %s} $dv $unitArr($idx)] } return $rv } ############################################################################### proc Clamp {v {min 0} {max 255}} { if {$v < $min} { return $min } elseif {$v > $max} { return $max } else { return $v } } ############################################################################### proc CalcColor {y} { set y [Clamp $y 0.0 1.0] set blu 0 set gre [Clamp [expr {int(255.0 * (1.0 - $y))}]] set red [Clamp [expr {int(255.0 * 2.0 * $y)}]] return [format {#%02X%02X%02X} $red $gre $blu] } ############################################################################### proc GetColor_Square {x} { ;# x in bytes set x [Clamp [expr {1.0 * wide($x) / ($::KILO * $::KILO)}] 0.0 $::MAX] ;# x in Mb set a [expr {(1.0 * $::MAX - (2.0 * $::MID)) / (2.0 * $::MID * $::MAX * ((1.0 * $::MID) - $::MAX))}] set b [expr {(1.0 / (2.0 * $::MID)) - (1.0 * $a * $::MID)}] set y [expr {(1.0 * $a * wide($x * $x)) + (1.0 * $b *$x)}] return [CalcColor $y] } ############################################################################### proc GetColor_Linear {x} { ;# x in bytes set x [Clamp [expr {1.0 * wide($x) / ($::KILO * $::KILO)}] 0.0 $::MAX] ;# x in Mb if {$x < $::MID} { set a [expr {1.0 / (2.0 * $::MID)}] set b 0.0 } else { set a [expr {1.0 / (2.0 * ($::MAX - $::MID))}] set b [expr {1.0 - ($a * $::MAX)}] } set y [expr {(1.0 * $a * wide($x)) + (1.0 * $b)}] return [CalcColor $y] } ############################################################################### proc GetColor {x {mode 0}} { if {$mode == 0} { return [GetColor_Linear $x] } else { return [GetColor_Square $x] } } ############################################################################### proc SelDir {} { global dir set tmp [tk_chooseDirectory -title "Choose Root directory" -initialdir $dir(sel)] if {$tmp ne {}} { set dir(sel) $tmp } return $dir(sel) } set Tagidx 0 ############################################################################### proc log {txt {clr #FFFFFF}} { global Log global Txt global Tagidx puts $Log $txt ;#puts $txt $Txt tag configure tagn($Tagidx) -background $clr $Txt insert end "___" tagn($Tagidx) $Txt insert end $txt\n $Txt see end incr Tagidx update idletasks return 0 } ############################################################################### proc DirSize_Recurs {dir {level 0}} { set nextLevel [expr {$level + 1}] catch {cd $dir} res if {$res ne {}} { return 0 } ;#set dirlst [glob -nocomplain *] set dirlst [concat [glob -nocomplain *] [glob -type hidden -nocomplain *]] set size 0 foreach e $dirlst { set ndir [file join $dir $e] if {![file exists $ndir]} { continue } if {[file isdirectory $ndir]} { set s [DirSize_Recurs [file join $dir $ndir] $nextLevel] } else { set s [file size $ndir] } set size [expr {wide($size + $s)}] } if {$level < $::MAXLVL} { set clr [GetColor $size] log [format {%14s %20s : %s} [Norma $size 2] ([Norma $size]) $dir] $clr } return $size } ############################################################################### proc DirSize {} { global dir log [string repeat - 60] DirSize_Recurs $dir(sel) return 0 } ############################################################################### proc Quit {} { global Log close $Log exit }