Tcl is a language of values. By the time a command gets to see its arguments, Tcl has already performed its [Dodekalogue%|%various substitutions%|%] on those arguments. Many commands perform their own substitutions on their arguments, and this is what "double substitution" usually refers to. The quintessential example is the [[[expr]]] command, but it is not the only one. Here are some other examples: [[[expr]]]: interprets `$` as variable substitution, `[` as command substition, etc. [[[set]]]: interpets parenthesis as array element access [[[list]]]: interprets `\` as backslash substitution, `"` and `{` as a grouping operators. Actally, this is also true of all the list commands [[[eval]]]: interprets its arguments as entire Tcl scripts [[[regexp]]] and [[[regsub]]]: interpret regular expression syntax in all its glory [[[string match]]]: interprets `*`, `?`, `[`, and `\` Anywhere a command is performing some sort of interpretation on some of the characters in its arguments, there are two layers of interpretation happening: Tcl performs its substitutions on command arguments first, and then the command may perform its own substitutions. Those just learning Tcl may be caught off-guard by this double subsitution, but it is not considered a bug, and with practice, it comes to feel like a natural part of the design of Tcl. To avoid [injection attacks], it is important to understand and be aware of command substitution behaviour. The reason [[[expr]]] arguments should [brace your expr-essions%|%always be braced] is that it avoids the first layer of substitution by the Tcl script interpreter. The same is true for the first argument to '''[if]''' and '''[while]'''. This is mentioned on the [Tcl Style Guide] page and is discussed a bit on [A Question of Style]. Use [TclPro]'s syntax checker (named ''[procheck]'') to check for mistakes. As [Cameron Laird] says, "Tcl's syntax is small enough to fit in the working memory of a typical human." However, the main work of understanding double substitution lies in understanding how each command you choose to use operates, and how it interprets its arguments. The [dodekalogue%|%standard rules of Tcl%|%] describe the syntax of Tcl, and the documentation for commands such as [[[expr]]], [[[if]]], and [[[while]]] describe how each of those commands interpret, and possibly perform substitutions on their arguments. Rule 2 says that a Tcl command is evaluated in two steps. First, the Tcl interpreter breaks the command into words and performs substitutions. Then the interpreter uses the first word as a command name, calls the command, and passes the rest of the words to the command as arguments. Rule 5 says that substitutions are not performed on words surrounded by braces. That's a good thing because the expression parser (on the [expr] man page) will perform its own substitutions. You are getting bitten by unbraced expressions performing double-substitution. Here is an example of a common mistake: ====== #warning: bad code ahead! set myString "hello" if $myString=={} {puts "empty string"} ====== By the time the [[[if]]] command sees its first argument, it looks like this: ====== hello=={} ====== In expressions, strings must be quoted, and now `hello` is not, so an error occurs. `hello` was quoted for Tcl when it performed its substitutions, but it then was not quoted for [[[expr]]] (via [[[if]]]), which, requires that strings be enclosed in double quotes or braces. Note also that that the Tcl did not substitute away the curly brackets after `==`, since brace and double-quote grouping only happens when a brace or double quote occur at the beginning of a word ====== #warning: bad code ahead! set myString "hello there" if $myString=={} {puts "empty string"} ====== In this case, [[[expr]]] gets the following value for its argument: ====== hello there== ====== which is even more of an error because now [[[expr]]] can't make sense of the number of arguments *** a complex example *** In the following example, there are many issuses: ====== #warning: bad code ahead! set myString "This is a string with \[special characters\}" if $myString=={} {puts "empty string"} ====== [[[expr]]] (once again, via [[[if]]]), sees the following value: ====== This is a string with [special characters}== ====== there are seven arguments, which makes no sense to [[[expr]]]: * a left square bracket signaling command substitution, but no corresponding closing bracket * a right curly bracket signaling the end of a grouping operation, but no corresponding left curly bracket * seven arguments with only one opertor to be found, which syntactically makes no sense to [[[expr]]] The moral of the story, of course, is to prevent the Tcl substitutions with curly braces: ====== if {$myString==""} {puts "empty string"} ====== Now, [[[expr]]] sees something more reasonable: ====== This\ is\ a\ string\ with\ \[special\ characters\}=={} ====== In summary, use braces on '''if''' and '''while''' and '''expr''' expressions. Use [ProCheck] to make sure you haven't missed any. ---- [KBK] - Another point that should be made is that braced expressions on [[if]], [[while]] and [[expr]] aren't just safer, they're also much, much faster. Unbraced ones have to be parsed at run time; braced ones can be compiled down to very tight [bytecode] sequences. <> String Processing