"Dqkit is like [tclkit] on steroids. It includes [tcl], [tk], [metakit], [vfs], [zlib], [tclx], [itcl], [itk], [iwidgets], [blt], [tbcload], tcl[sqlite] and [openssl]+[tls]", according to fan [Bob Techentin]. It also includes [thread]ing. Created by [Wojciech Kocjan]. What: dqkit Where: http://sf.net/projects/nstclhttpd http://www.sf.net/projects/dqsoftware Description: A single file executable which implements a tcl interpreter and various extensions. Based on tclkit concept, but includes more extensions, at the cost of a larger runtime size. Currently at version 0.0 . Updated: 09/2004 Contact: See web site Q: are the sources for dqkit available? A: ''I see them. Look for dqkit-sources-* in the file list [PAK]'' (on the sf.net web sites). Q: was blt compiled with [stubs] for this kit? A: ''No. BLT is built in to the underlying wish [PAK]'' ---- [JMN] 2004-09-30 I tried building a minimal dqkit on Windows (with & without MinGW) and on FreeBSD but both failed with unenlightening error messages. tclsh gen/buildkit build -tcl -tk -thread e.g on windows NT: [ 3/11] tcl sh autoconf child process exited abnormally while executing "exec >@file124b340 2>@file124b340 sh autocon ... (file "gen/buildkit" line 1055) On FreeBSD it got a little further... died at step 10/11 when trying to link. Building software is always such a lottery... I don't hold much hope of the situation ever evolving much from the dogs-breakfast it it is today. I guess [Batteries Included] tclkits are an acknowledgement of the sheer complexity of the task of ongoing provision of buildable sources across multiple platforms.. but for now, I usually have to build from source to use the packages I want on my chosen primary platforms of Windows & FreeBSD. The problem is that as in the case above, there are so many ways for things to go wrong and often very litle chance for a non-c programmer such as myself to diagnose & fix the errors. Unfortunately binary packages for FreeBSD are rare; particularly if you're trying to create a multi-platform tclkit with package versions in sync. When you do find binaries, they may not have been built with the options you require - such as the unfortunate 2nd-class citizenship that threaded builds still seems to have in the Tcl world. If anyone has some links to downloadable binaries of reasonably recent threaded tlkits for Windows & FreeBSD it'd be much appreciated. (even an un-threaded post tcl8.4.4 tclkit where Tk isn't broken on FreeBSD 5.x would be nice) ---- See also [Batteries Included], functionality which dqkit provides. ---- [Category Distribution]