eWeekReader[http://www.gamon.org/Profession/TCL/TCL-eWeekReader.html] is an alternative web browser for reading eWeek[http://www.eweek.com/]. Displays more readable, less busy versions of the article pages. V1.1 adds support for offline reading. [http://www.gamon.org//Profession/TCL/eWeekReader/eWeekReaderScreenShot.jpg] [Scott Gamon] ---- [MPJ]: I saw on your website that this software is released under the MIT license. But your application uses [optcl] and [ffidl] (included in the download) which are both [GPL]. Doesn't this make your application GPL? Also it would be nice to credit the people that you transmogrify[http://dictionary.reference.com/wordoftheday/archive/2001/01/26.html] their base code. Also [optcl] is not a standard [ActiveTcl] library so the users will be required to install this too. ---- [Category Application] | [Category Internet] | [Category GUI]