edprocs ?proc...? This procedure writes the named procedures, or all currently defined procedures, to a temporary file, then calls an editor on it (as specified by the [EDITOR] environment variable, or vi if none is specified), then sources the file back in if it was changed. ---- [ts] Use patch_edprocs_for_windows to make it working with WinXP. # # patches tclx edprocs for use with windows (XP) # # ts 030713 ($Id: 1997,v 1.4 2003-07-14 08:00:15 jcw Exp $) # proc patch_edprocs_for_windows {} { set edprocs [showproc edprocs] # default editor for windows is notepad instead of vi set newlines { if {[string compare $::tcl_platform(platform) "windows"] == 0} { set editor [file join $env(SystemRoot) notepad.exe] } else { set editor vi } } # do patch, insert new lines regsub {set editor vi} $edprocs $newlines edprocs # use exec instead of system regsub {system "\$editor \$tmpFilename"} $edprocs {exec $editor $tmpFilename} edprocs # replace proc eval $edprocs # create alias proc without ...s proc edproc {args} { eval edprocs $args } } ---- [Category Command], a part of [Tclx]