''' The foundation of computer circuits ''' Page by [Theo Verelst] Of course feel free to comment (with initials or some other way to distinguish comments from my writing), this page is supposed to at least raise dust or make people think. I don't think the tcl/tk community is much prone to the thinking, but in not so forward circles who often seem to think they can understand computers by realy miserable and even evil ideas and projections of human functioning, a lot of wrong and dangerous ideas exist and wither which make people pray to a neon God I don't want to take part in. Computers are great fun, the best computers, and probably almost the most advanced in the world make me play wonderfull music and sounds, or do graphics as I did professionally, and even just playing about with some interesting tcl commands can be fun enough, and certainly challenge ones' functional (decomposition) thinking for hours easily, without thinking about abusing children, ruling and exploiting the world and destroying all human existence. I've already made this point on the [bwise applications and examples] page by mentioning the so called '' Flip Flop '' circuit, which is basically a circuit which is feeding back data to itself in a consistent way, and can therefore remember a bit of information. Because of the nature of the constituents of the circuit, it can be made to remember, be set to one or to zero, all within even the logic of an infinetely fast and 'unspecial' mathematical construct.