Purpose: describe what Tcl considers a list element - i.e. the basic component of a list. ---- Given that [Tcl] considers [everything is a string], then a list element is, at its core, just a string. This string can either be 0 length, 1 or more characters, and can be formatted in such a way that the element is also another list. However, just because every element is a string does '''NOT''' mean that every string is a list element. In Tcl, one programatically ensures a string is a list element most safely by usign either the [list] or the [split] command to listify the string. However, many times developers, when coding a literal string, quote with the \\ the { characters to simulate the listifying process. I have also seen developers use regular expressions to try to simulate this process. It seems like just using list or split would be clearer. ---- See also [list], [lappend], [lindex], [linsert], [llength], [lrange], [lreplace], [lsearch], [lsort], [concat], [split], [foreach], [array] . [caspian] recommends that you also see: [join] and [lset] ---- [Tcl syntax help] [Category Glossary]