Purpose: describe what Tcl considers a list element - i.e., the basic component of a list. ---- Given that [Tcl] considers [everything is a string], then a list element is, at its core, just a string. This string can either be 0 length, 1 or more characters, and can be formatted in such a way that the element is also another list. However, just because every element is a string does '''NOT''' mean that every string is a list element. ''I beg to differ with that assertion. Every string can be a list element; I've never seen anything to contradict that. The examples below show several incorrect ways to treat a string as a list element, but when done properly (as in the final example using split) it proves that anything -- including a single left or right curly brace -- can indeed be a list element. There is no string that cannot be stored as an element in a list.'' ---- Feel free to differ - that's fine. However, I assert that if I read a string from a file, or even get it from a user, but have done nothing to make it list safe, that string will cause problems when used in any command expecting a list as its argument. That is what I mean by saying that not every string is a list element. One cannot take every arbitrary string and use it as if it were a list. ''but you're mixing terminology. You claim to be talking about list elements, yet complain a string can't be used as a list. Which is it -- are you talking about lists or list elements? I still see zero evidence that some strings cannot be list _elements_. '' For example: $ tclsh % set a "This is a test { of a string" This is a test { of a string % llength $a unmatched open brace in list I would say that variable $a contains a string that is not yet a list element - not until something happens to it to make it so. ''No, $a contains a string that is not yet a _list_. There's a difference between a list element and a list. list elements are members of a list, and any string may be a member of a list. It is true that not every string can be a full-fledged list, but the stated purpose of this page is to discuss list elements, not lists.'' ---- In Tcl, one programatically ensures a string is a list element most safely by usign either the [list] or the [split] command to listify the string. ''You're getting your terminology mixed up. To make a string into a list element one needs do nothing more than to insert it into a list. You say one must use list or split to listify the string, but that's not the same as making a string into a list element; that's converting a string (split) or list of strings (list) into a list. '' ---- Feel free to fix the terminology so that things are stated in a manner you feel is correct - and I will do the same. ---- But, for example, let us say you want the 5-character literal string a { b c } turned into a 5 element list. Simply saying set l [list "a { b c }" ] does not give you a 5 element list llength $l 1 nor does calling list with an unquoted argument set l [list a { b c } ] llength $l 2 but this does: set l [split "a { b c }"] llength $l 5 The problem in the first list case is that Tcl treats the " character as introducing the beginning and ending of a single element, and in the second list case, list sees the { and } characters and treats its arguments as if they had already been processed by Tcl into elements. Internally, tcl structures each list element as if it were surrounded by { and }. Split, however, is designed to take as its first argument a string that needs to be quoted properly, so it is able to create what is needed. ---- See also [list], [lappend], [lindex], [linsert], [llength], [lrange], [lreplace], [lsearch], [lsort], [concat], [split], [foreach], [array] . [caspian] recommends that you also see: [join] and [lset] <> Tcl syntax help | Glossary