'''encoding system''' ''?encoding?'' Set the system encoding to ''encoding''. If ''encoding'' is omitted then the command returns the current system encoding. The system encoding is used whenever Tcl passes strings to system calls. ---- [RS] 2005-06-14: On Windows, a different encoding is used for consoles (cmd.exe). You can find out which with fconfigure stdout -encoding which gives cp437 for [KBK] in New York and me in Germany. Reconfiguring stdout doesn't really work - even if you fconfigure stdout -encoding cp1252 the stubborn thing still stays with cp437... [MG] does this on 2005-06-16, on Win XP in Britain. When I run the 'Command Prompt', cmd.exe, or tclsh.exe fconfigure stdout -encoding begins as cp850, and trying to change it, then check it, with the same command seems to be successful. When I run Wish and check ''fconfigure stdout -encoding'' in the ('console show') console, it starts as utf-8, and is again changable. In all of the above, though, ''encoding system'' is cp1252. ---- Can soneone elaborate on the meaning of the 'identity' encoding? When using [freewrap] I get: % encoding system identity What is this and what is it used for? [schlenk] 2005-06-27: The identity encoding is for testing purposes, it should not be used without very good reasons. If you see your encoding system set to identity, you are missing the proper encoding files for your setup. This happens with tclkit-sh.exe on windows or other wrapped applications which do not include the right encodings for the local system they are running on. ---- See also: * [encoding] * [encoding convertfrom] * [encoding convertto] * [encoding names] ---- [Tcl syntax help] - [Category Command] - [Category Introspection]