Here's a simple bit of code to extend any [ensemble]-like command by means of tcl8.5's [namespace ensemble] command. [CMcC] 6Mar2006 [Larry Smith]: [stacking] does a similar job. ====== package provide extend 1.0 package require Tcl 8.5 # extend a command with a new subcommand proc extend {cmd body} { if {![namespace exists ${cmd}]} { set wrapper [string map [list %C $cmd %B $body] { namespace eval %C {} rename %C %C::%C namespace eval %C { proc _unknown {junk subc args} { return [list %C::%C $subc] } namespace ensemble create -unknown %C::_unknown } }] } append wrapper [string map [list %C $cmd %B $body] { namespace eval %C { %B namespace export -clear * } }] uplevel 1 $wrapper } ====== ---- Here's the [file] command extended with '''newer''' and '''newerthan''' subcommands: ====== extend file { proc newer {a b} { return [expr {[file mtime $a] > [file mtime $b]}] } proc newerthan {mtime path} { return [expr {[file exists $path] && ([file mtime $path] > $mtime)}] } } ====== Here's the [dict] command extended with the '''modify''' subcommand: ====== # extra useful dict commands extend dict { proc modify {var args} { upvar 1 $var dvar foreach {name val} $args { dict set dvar $name $val } } } ====== ---- [LV] So, this seems like a nice bit of functionality. Would it be useful enough to include either in Tcl itself or at least [Tcllib]? [Napier / Dash Automation] 2015-12-27 -- I really like ES6 Javascripts capabilities to work with objects such as "const { key1, key2 } = myObject", so I decided to give myself similar functionality with a "dict pull" command. One thing I am not sure of, is if setting an empty string is the proper thing to do when a value doesn't exist. I would like to handle it similar to javascript, but tcl doesn't have a "null" option which could be used to default to false I know this is somewhat similar to dict update or dict with but the syntax is a bit simpler and it's designed for it's exact purpose, except that it only unpacks the requested keys and will create the variables so they may be used without [info exists] in cases that is too verbose. The resulting operation with extend: ====== set tempDict [dict create foo fooVal bar barVal] dict pull $tempDict foo bar rawr puts $foo ; # % fooVal puts $bar ; # % barVal puts $rawr ; # % "" ====== and the code: ====== extend dict { proc isDict {var} { if { [catch {dict keys ${var}}] } {return 0} else {return 1} } proc get? {tempDict args} { if {[dict exists $tempDict {*}$args]} { return [dict get $tempDict {*}$args] } } proc modify {var args} { set opVar [lindex $var 0] set dArgs [lrange $var 1 end] upvar 1 $opVar theDict foreach {name val} $args { dict set theDict {*}$dArgs $name $val } return $theDict } proc pull {var args} { if {![dict isDict $var]} { upvar 1 $var theDict } else { set theDict $var } if {![info exists theDict] || $theDict eq ""} { throw error "dict pull error: $var doesn't exist" } foreach val $args { set nVar [lindex $val 1] set val [lindex $val 0] if {$nVar eq ""} {set nVar $val} upvar 1 $nVar $nVar set $nVar [dict get? $theDict $val] dict set returnDict $nVar [set [set nVar]] } if { [ info exists returnDict ] } { return $returnDict } } proc pullFrom {var args} { set opVar [lindex $var 0] set dArgs [lrange $var 1 end] upvar 1 $opVar theDict if {![info exists theDict] || $theDict eq ""} { throw error "dict pull error: $var doesn't exist" } foreach val $args { set nVar [lindex $val 1] set val [lindex $val 0] if {$nVar eq ""} {set nVar $val} upvar 1 $nVar $nVar set $nVar [dict get? $theDict {*}$dArgs $val] dict set returnDict $nVar [set [set nVar]] } if { [ info exists returnDict ] } { return $returnDict } } proc destruct {var args} { set opVar [lindex $var 0] set dArgs [lrange $var 1 end] upvar 1 $opVar theDict foreach val $args { set nVar [lindex $val 1] set val [lindex $val 0] if {$nVar eq ""} {set nVar $val} upvar 1 $nVar $nVar set $nVar [dict get? $theDict {*}$dArgs $val] dict unset theDict {*}$dArgs $val } } proc push {var args} { set opVar [lindex $var 0] set dArgs [lrange $var 1 end] upvar 1 $opVar theDict foreach val $args { set nVar [lindex $val 1] set val [lindex $val 0] if {$nVar eq ""} {set nVar $val} upvar 1 $val fromVal if {[info exists fromVal]} { dict set theDict {*}$dArgs $nVar $fromVal } else {throw error "$val doesn't exist"} } return $theDict } } ====== ---- ''quick hacks'' ? ---- [AMG]: See also my [[dict getnull]] example in [[[dict get]]]. ---- [samoc]: oclib.tcl[] has a similar "extend_proc" [] command. ---- In a [comp.lang.tcl] posting dated Fri, 04 Apr 2014 09:25:30 [DKF] posted an example of using the ensemble's `-unknown` parameter to lazily apply extensions. A version of [extend] using this technique: ====== proc extend {ens script} { namespace eval $ens [concat { proc _unknown {ens cmd args} { if {$cmd in [namespace eval ::${ens} {::info commands}]} { set map [namespace ensemble configure $ens -map] dict set map $cmd ::${ens}::$cmd namespace ensemble configure $ens -map $map } return "" ;# back to namespace ensemble dispatch ;# which will error appropriately if the cmd doesn't exist } } \; $script] namespace ensemble configure $ens -unknown ${ens}::_unknown } ====== Note that new extensions defined in this way will not appear in the ensemble's map until they are used, so the default error message is misleading. <> Example