Version 20 of escargo

Updated 2005-07-25 16:20:50 by escargo

The often used screen name for David S. Cargo ([email protected] and [email protected]). My home IP address is often (from home) or (from work), and will appear when looking at Recent Changes.

Updated slightly on 05/05/05 since it's such a funny date.

Initials? Why would I prefer to use initials with a handle like this?

I have been coding in tcl, tk, and expect since 1996.

For a few years I was a Multics [L1 ] user, and have also used (in ancient times) CP/M-80, MS-DOS, VAX VMS, TOPS-10, old Honeywell minicomputer systems, ModComp Systems.

More recently I have used CrayOS, Solaris, Microsoft Windows (starting at 3.1), and Linux.

I did manage to attend the Tcl 2002 conference in Vancouver. Very nice.

I have started a few pages, including one with an application:

and others more philosophical

For $25/yr you can be [email protected].

(That's the yearly membership for PSE

For not much more than that I can get my own domain name. I'm not sure a snail should be consorting with slugs. They are fellow mollusks, but still....

Pet Peeves

I may wind up doing some minor editorial (copyediting) changes to wiki pages that I see that have the following problems.

  • The use of "it's" instead of "its" (where the possessive is intended)
  • The use of "its" instead of "it's" (where the contraction is intended)
  • The use of "lets" instead of "let's" (where the contraction is appropriate)
  • The use of "which" instead of "that" (nonrestrictive versus restrictive)
  • Misspellings ("alot")

I won't mark these changes since I don't think they will change the meaning.

Messages to escargo:

  • Zarutian 2005-07-25-15:34 meet me on the tclers' chat.
  • Zarutian 2005-07-25-16:07 well, I have to go off the chat for now but I will probably be on it again between 23:00 GMT and 00:00 GMT tonight.
  • Sorry; I don't chat, but feel free to send me e-mail at the addresses above.

Category Person