'''excel xml''' is a package that creates [Excel] [XML] files compatible with [Microsoft Office] 2003. ** [yahalome]'s original implementation (version 1.x) ** *** Code *** This is the package itself: ====== package provide excel 1.1 namespace eval excel:: { variable workbooks 0 variable workbooksArray variable workSheets variable workSheetsArray variable styles variable columnDefault variable data variable rowCounter variable columnsIndex array set columnsIndex [list A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 E 5 F 6 G 7 H 8 I 9 J 10 K 11 L 12 M 13 N 14 O 15 P 16 Q 17 R 18 S 19 T 20 U 21 V 22 W 23 X 24 Y 25 Z 26 AA 27 AB 28 AC 29 AD 30 AE 31] } proc excel::createWorkbook {} { # # @comment create a workbook pointer # @result pointer to created workbook # incr excel::workbooks set workbookName workbook$excel::workbooks set excel::workbooksArray($workbookName) 1 return $workbookName } proc excel::createWorkSheet {workbook name} { # # @comment create a worksheet pointer # @argument workbook pointer to a workbook # @argument name name of the worksheet # @result pointer to a worksheet # variable data if {[info exists excel::workbooksArray($workbook)]} { if {![info exists ::excel::workSheets($workbook)]} { set excel::workSheets($workbook) 1 } else { incr excel::workSheets($workbook) } set workSheetName workSheet[string range ${workbook} 8 end].$excel::workSheets($workbook) set data(workSheet,$::excel::workSheets($workbook),name) $name set data(workSheet,$::excel::workSheets($workbook)) $workSheetName set data(workSheet,$workSheetName) 1 set excel::rowCounter($workSheetName) 0 return $workSheetName } else { error "$workbook is not a valid workbook" } } proc excel::createStyle {workbook args} { # # @comment create an excel style # @argument workbook pointer to a workbook # @argument args argument list # @result style pointer # variable data if {[info exists excel::styles($workbook)]} { incr excel::styles($workbook) } else { set excel::styles($workbook) 2 } set styleName s$excel::styles($workbook) foreach {name value} $args { # check that name is valid if {[lsearch "-font -fontcolor -background -bold" $name]==-1} { error "style option $name option is not supported" } set data($workbook,styles,$styleName,$name) $value } return $styleName } proc excel::setColumnType {workSheet columnIndex type} { # # @comment define a column type # @argument workSheet pointer to a workSheet # @argument columnIndex index of column # @argument type of column # @result column type is changed # variable data _checkSpreadSheet $workSheet set data($workSheet,row,$columnIndex,type) [string totitle $type] } proc excel::_checkSpreadSheet {workSheet} { variable data if {![info exists data(workSheet,$workSheet)]} { error "$workSheet is not a valid workSheet" } } proc excel::addRow {workSheet columnsDataList} { # # @comment add row to excel worksheet # @argument workSheet pointer to a workSheet # @argument args list of variables # @result row id # variable data set i 0 incr excel::rowCounter($workSheet) set data($workSheet,$excel::rowCounter($workSheet),length) [llength $columnsDataList] foreach arg $columnsDataList { incr i if {[llength $arg]>1} { if {[lsearch [list String Number] [lindex $arg 1]]!=-1} { if {[llength $arg]>2} { set data($workSheet,$excel::rowCounter($workSheet),$i,style) [lindex $arg end] } set data($workSheet,$excel::rowCounter($workSheet),$i,type) [string totitle [lindex $arg end-1]] set value [lindex $arg 0] } else { set value $arg } } else { set value $arg } set data($workSheet,$excel::rowCounter($workSheet),$i,data) $value } return row$excel::rowCounter($workSheet) } proc excel::asXml {workbook} { # # @comment returns excel workbook as xml # @argument workbook pointer to a workbook # @result workbook xml representation # variable data variable rowCounter set xml "\ \ \ \ Ashrait\ [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ}]\ Xor Technologies\ \ \ \ \ " if {[info exists excel::styles($workbook)]} { for {set d 2} {$d<=$excel::styles($workbook)} {incr d} { set styleName s$d append xml "" } } append xml "" for {set d 1} {$d<=$excel::workSheets($workbook)} {incr d} { append xml "\ " set workSheet $excel::data(workSheet,$d) for {set i 1} {$i<=$excel::rowCounter($workSheet)} {incr i} { append xml "" for {set j 1} {$j<=$data($workSheet,$i,length)} {incr j} { set dataValue $data($workSheet,$i,$j,data) if {[string index $dataValue 0]=="="} { append xml "" } else { append xml ">" } append xml "$dataValue" } append xml "" } append xml "
" } append xml "
" } proc excel::deleteWorkbook {workbook} { # # @comment delete a workbook pointer # @argument workbook pointer to a workbook # @result undecoded string # variable data for {set d 1} {$d<=$excel::workSheets($workbook)} {incr d} { array unset data $d set workSheet $excel::data(workSheet,$d) for {set i 1} {$i<=$excel::rowCounter($workSheet)} {incr i} { array unset data $workSheet* } unset $excel::rowCounter($workSheet) } } proc excel::addTitle {workSheet columnsDataList} { # # @comment delete a workbook pointer # @argument workbook pointer to a workbook # @result undecoded string # foreach arg $columnsDataList { lappend newArgs [list $arg String s21] } addRow $workSheet $newArgs } proc excel::addTotal {workSheet columnsDataList} { # # @comment delete a workbook pointer # @argument workbook pointer to a workbook # @result undecoded string # foreach arg $columnsDataList { lappend newArgs [list $arg String s22] } addRow $workSheet $newArgs } proc excel::setCell {workSheet row column value} { # # @comment delete a workbook pointer # @argument workbook pointer to a workbook # @result undecoded string # variable data set data($workSheet,$row,$excel::columnsIndex($column),data) $value } proc excel::getCurrentRow {workSheet} { # # @comment delete a workbook pointer # @argument workbook pointer to a workbook # @result undecoded string # return $excel::rowCounter($workSheet) } ====== *** Example *** ====== # create workbook set book [excel::createWorkbook] # create worksheets set worksheet [excel::createWorkSheet $book "test"] set worksheet2 [excel::createWorkSheet $book "hello"] # define default row types excel::setColumnType $worksheet2 1 number excel::setColumnType $worksheet2 2 number excel::setColumnType $worksheet2 3 number # create style set style [excel::createStyle $book -font Arial -background black -fontcolor red] # add simple row excel::addRow $worksheet [list 2 1 2 3] # add row with different style excel::addRow $worksheet [list 2 1 2 [list 4 number $style]] # add row with formula excel::addRow $worksheet [list 1 2 {=sum(rc[-2]+rc[-1])} ] # get the excel as xml set xml [excel::asXml $book] ====== *** Discussion *** [escargo] 2005-07-13: After correcting a couple of typographical errors and reordering the code so I could read it with [wish-reaper], I added a few lines to produce an output file. ====== set fd [open "excel[clock seconds].xml" "w"] puts $fd $xml close $fd ====== [yahalom] 2008-08-05: updated to latest version ---- [AElfwine] 2008-09-15: * Adding a missing close parenthesys in an array * Correcting examples : adding [list ..] ---- [leprechau] 2008-10-27 This package has some severe problems dealing with multiple simultaneous workbooks/worksheets. Consider the following simple scenerio: ====== set book [excel::createWorkbook] set book2 [excel::createWorkbook] set ws [excel::createWorkSheet $book "hello there"] set ws2 [excel::createWorkSheet $book2 testing] excel::addRow $ws [list 1 2 3 4 5 6] excel::addRow $ws2 [list 4 5 6 7 8 9] set fid [open book1.xml w] puts $fid [excel::asXml $book]; close $fid set fid [open book2.xml w] puts $fid [excel::asXml $book2]; close $fid excel::deleteWorkbook $book excel::deleteWorkbook $book2 ====== Firstly, both book1.xml and book2.xml will contain the row '4 5 6 7 8 9' and the first row is lost completely. Secondly, it will throw error when you try to delete the second book with a nonexistent rowConter element. In addition to that, the information in the 'data' array is not cleaned completely from either book. I am going to give this package a re-write to allow for multiple simultaneous books and worksheets and will post the results here. ---- [mjjensen] 2012-09-12 12:49:55: Just used this in anger - here are my patches ... ====== --- excel.tcl-dist 2012-08-26 04:02:59.806443173 +1000 +++ excel.tcl 2012-09-08 11:31:47.011915254 +1000 @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ set styleName s$excel::styles($workbook) foreach {name value} $args { # check that name is valid - if {[lsearch "-font -fontcolor -background -bold" $name]==-1} { + if {[lsearch "-font -fontcolor -background -bold -numfmt" $name]==-1} { error "style option $name option is not supported" } set data($workbook,styles,$styleName,$name) $value @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ foreach arg $columnsDataList { incr i if {[llength $arg]>1} { - if {[lsearch [list String Number] [lindex $arg 1]]!=-1} { + if {[lsearch [list String Number DateTime] [lindex $arg 1]]!=-1} { if {[llength $arg]>2} { set data($workSheet,$excel::rowCounter($workSheet),$i,style) [lindex $arg end] @@ -122,6 +122,30 @@ } return row$excel::rowCounter($workSheet) } + +proc excel::addRowLists {workSheet columnsDataList} { +# +# @comment add row to excel worksheet +# @argument workSheet pointer to a workSheet +# @argument args list of variables +# @result row id +# + variable data + set i 0 + incr excel::rowCounter($workSheet) + set data($workSheet,$excel::rowCounter($workSheet),length) [llength $columnsDataList] + foreach arg $columnsDataList { + incr i + set data($workSheet,$excel::rowCounter($workSheet),$i,data) [lindex $arg 0] + if {[llength $arg] > 1} { + set data($workSheet,$excel::rowCounter($workSheet),$i,type) [string totitle [lindex $arg 1]] + if {[llength $arg] > 2} { + set data($workSheet,$excel::rowCounter($workSheet),$i,style) [lindex $arg 2] + } + } + } + return row$excel::rowCounter($workSheet) +} proc excel::asXml {workbook} { # # @comment returns excel workbook as xml @@ -162,7 +186,12 @@ if {[info exists excel::styles($workbook)]} { for {set d 2} {$d<=$excel::styles($workbook)} {incr d} { set styleName s$d - append xml "\n" #DETERMINE IF THERE ARE ANY STYLES THAT EXSIT FOR THE WORKBOOK; if {[info exists StylesCounter($workbook)]} { #STYLE(S) HAVE BEEN FOUND, NOW WE NEED TO GENERATE THE APPRORIATE XML TAGS; for {set WbSc 2} {$WbSc <= $StylesCounter($workbook)} {incr WbSc} { set WbSn $workbook.S$WbSc set StyleName S$WbSc #CHECK THAT THE STYLES ARRAY EXIST FIRST; if {[array exists StylesArray]} { #BEGIN GENERATING THE DYNAMIC STYLE CONTENT; append xml " \n" } } append xml " \n" #BEGIN TO ADD THE DATA FOR EACH WORKSHEET IN THE WORKBOOK; for {set WS 1} {$WS <= $WorkSheets($workbook)} {incr WS} { append xml " \n"; #SET THE WORKSHEET PARAMETERS; append xml " \n"; #VERIFY IF THERE ARE ANY COLUMN ATTRIBUTES IN THE ARRAY THAT WE NEED TO SET; set ColumnStyleKeys [array names ColStyle ${workbook}.WS${WS}*]; if {[llength $ColumnStyleKeys]} { set ColString "" #COLUMN STYLES EXIST, PROCESS THEM; foreach Key $ColumnStyleKeys { set cidx [lindex [split $Key .] 2]; switch $Key [list \ "${workbook}.WS${WS}.$cidx.-w" { append ColString " ss:Width=\"$ColStyle($Key)\"" } \ "${workbook}.WS${WS}.$cidx.-afw" { append ColString " ss:AutoFitWidth=\"$ColStyle($Key)\""} \ "${workbook}.WS${WS}.$cidx.-h" { append ColString " ss:Hidden=\"$ColStyle($Key)\"" } \ ] } if {$ColString != ""} { append xml " \n" } } set SkippedRowFlag 0; set SkippedColFlag 0; for {set R 1} {$R <= $RowCounter($workbook.WS${WS})} {incr R} { #CHECK IF DATA EXIST IN THIS ROW; set RowCount [array names Data ${workbook}.WS${WS}.$R.*]; if {[llength $RowCount] > 0} { #IF ROWS HAVE BEEN SKIPPED INDICATE THE ROW INDEX; if {$SkippedRowFlag} { append xml " \n" #RESET THE FLAG; set SkippedRowFlag 0; } else { append xml " \n" } #COLUMN LOOP; set DataTypeFlag 0; for {set C 1} {$C <= $ColCounter($workbook.WS${WS})} {incr C} { #CHECK IF DATA EXIST FOR THE ROW & COL IDX; if {[info exist Data(${workbook}.WS${WS}.$R.$C)]} { set DataValue $Data(${workbook}.WS${WS}.$R.$C) #CHECK THAT THERE IS ACTUALLY DATA AND IT IS NOT JUST BLANK, #IF IT IS BLANK (ONLY HAS A SPACE) IT CAN BE SKIPPED; if {[string map {" " ""} $DataValue] eq ""} { set SkippedColFlag 1; continue; } #IF A COLUMN HAS BEEN SKIPPED INDICATE IT ON THE COL INDEX; if {$SkippedColFlag} { append xml " " #DETERMINE THE FORMAT OF THE DATA POSSIBLE VALUES ARE: DateTime Number String switch -regexp -matchvar DataList -- $DataValue { ^(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[-[:space:]\\/\.](0?[1-9]|1[012])[-[:space:]\\/\.]((?:19|20)?[0-9]{2})$ { #DMY lassign $DataList Full Day Month Year if {[string length $Year] == 2} { if {$Year <= 20} { #ASSUME THAT WE ARE REFERENCING THE 21ST CENTURY; set Year "20$Year" } else { #ASSUME THAT THE USER IS REFERENCING THE 20TH CENTURY; set Year "19$Year" } } set NomalizedDate [clock scan $Month/$Day/$Year -format {%m/%d/%Y}] append xml "[clock format $NomalizedDate -format {%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00.000}]\n" } ^(0?[1-9]|1[012])[-[:space:]\\/\.](0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[-[:space:]\\/\.]((?:19|20)?[0-9]{2})$ { #MDY puts $DataList lassign $DataList Full Month Day Year if {[string length $Year] == 2} { if {$Year <= 20} { #ASSUME THAT WE ARE REFERENCING THE 21ST CENTURY; set Year "20$Year" } else { #ASSUME THAT THE USER IS REFERENCING THE 20TH CENTURY; set Year "19$Year" } } set NomalizedDate [clock scan $Month/$Day/$Year -format {%m/%d/%Y}] append xml "[clock format $NomalizedDate -format {%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00.000}]\n" } ^((?:19|20)[0-9]{2})[-[:space:]\\/\.](0?[1-9]|1[012])[-[:space:]\\/\.](0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ { #YMD lassign $DataList Full Year Month Day if {[string length $Year] == 2} { if {$Year <= 20} { #ASSUME THAT WE ARE REFERENCING THE 21ST CENTURY; set Year "20$Year" } else { #ASSUME THAT THE USER IS REFERENCING THE 20TH CENTURY; set Year "19$Year" } } set NomalizedDate [clock scan $Month/$Day/$Year -format {%m/%d/%Y}] append xml "[clock format $NomalizedDate -format {%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00.000}]\n" } ^[-]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+$ { append xml "$DataValue\n"; } default { append xml "[string map {\" " ' ' < < > > & &} $DataValue]\n"; } } #END THE SWITCH STATEMENT FOR STING TYPE; } else { #NO DATA EXIST IN THIS COLUMN, SKIP IT AND SET FLAG; set SkippedColFlag 1; set PrevNumber $C } } #END COLUMN LOOP; append xml " \n" } else { set SkippedRowFlag 1 } } #END ROW LOOP; append xml "
\n" append xml "
\n" } #END WORKSHEET LOOP; append xml " \n" append xml " \n" append xml "
\n" append xml "