''[MGS]'' [[2005/03/18]] - In PHP, there's a useful function for extracting array keys as local variables. Here's a similar proc for Tcl: ---- ====== # ==================================================================== # # extract -- # Description # Extract array variable into current scope # Arguments # array : name of array variable # -prefix : prefix variable names # -postfix : append variable names # -overwrite : overwrite existing variables # args : wildcard pattern for array names # Return # on error, error messages # otherwise, number of extracted variables proc extract {array args} { upvar $array _ set prefix "" set postfix "" set overwrite 0 if { ![array exists _] } { return -code error "can't extract \"$array\": no such array" } set argv [list] ; # list of array names to extract set n 0 ; # number of variables extracted set error 0 ; # number of errors set errors [list] ; # list of error messages set argc [llength $args] for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} { set arg [lindex $args $i] # puts "parse arg\[$i\] \[$arg\]" switch -- $arg { -overwrite { set overwrite [lindex $args [incr i]] } -postfix { set postfix [lindex $args [incr i]] } -prefix { set prefix [lindex $args [incr i]] } -- { set argv [concat $argv [lrange $args [incr i] end]] } default { lappend argv $arg } } } # puts "argv = \[$argv\]" if { ![llength $argv] } { set argv [list *] } foreach arg $argv { foreach name [array names _ $arg] { set name2 ${prefix}${name}${postfix} upvar $name2 var if { [array exists var] } { incr error lappend errors "extract: can't set \"$name2\": variable is array" } elseif { ![info exists var] || $overwrite } { set var $_($name) incr n } else { incr error lappend errors "extract: not overwriting var \"$name2\"" } } } if { $error > 0 } { set code error set return [join $errors \n] } else { set code ok set return $n } return -code $code $return } # ==================================================================== # proc test {} { global env # array set env_HOME [list home /home] # set env_HOME /home if { [catch {extract env -prefix env_ -overwrite 1 H*} extract] } { puts stderr "$extract" } else { puts "extracted \[$extract\] variables" } puts "found \[[llength [info vars env_*]]\] vars" foreach var [info vars env_*] { if { [array exists $var] } { puts "\[$var\] is an array" } else { puts "\[$var\] = \[[set $var]\]" } } } test # ==================================================================== # ====== ---- See also: * [array] <> Mark G. Saye | Command | Dev. Tools