The core [Tcl] '''fconfigure''' [command] sets and retrieves options for [channel]s. ***USAGE*** : '''fconfigure''' ''channelId'' : '''fconfigure''' ''channelId name'' : '''fconfigure''' ''channelId name value'' ?''name value ...''? ***MAN PAGE*** ***SEE ALSO*** [channel], [open], [socket] ***EXAMPLES*** Instruct Tcl to always send output to stdout immediately, whether or not it is to a terminal: ====== fconfigure stdout -buffering none ====== Instruct Tcl to read pure bytes from a channel and write bytes to it, rather than characters: ====== fconfigure $binaryDataFile -translation binary ====== <> [LV] 2008 Feb 28 Some of the wiki pages talk about the construct === fconfigure $serial_port -mode "$baudRate,$plex,$bits,$polarity" === or some such thing. The -mode flag, used for specifying baud rate, etc. has moved to [open] now. I don't know how one would change those values on an open descriptor... <> ---- !!!!!! [Tcl syntax] - [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] %| [Category Command] | [Category Channel] | [Category File] |% !!!!!!