Version 3 of file volumes

Updated 2022-06-07 18:19:29 by paul
file volumes

Returns the absolute paths to the volumes mounted on the system, as a proper Tcl list. On the Macintosh, this will be a list of the mounted drives, both local and network. N.B. if two drives have the same name, they will both appear on the volume list, but there is currently no way, from Tcl, to access any but the first of these drives. On UNIX, the command will always return "/", since all filesystems are locally mounted. On Windows, it will return a list of the available local drives (e.g. {a:/ c:/}).

Tcl 8.7 adds mounted virtual filesystems to this list.

Example: Laptop with 2 SSD (C: and D:) and 1 mounted share from a NAS (Z:)

Tcl8.6: C:/ D:/ Z:/
Tcl8.7: //zipfs:/ C:/ D:/ Z:/

What file volumes does not detect are network shares, which are not mounted. This functionality can be added by using Twapi. Using the procedures below, the following output is generated for my system:

LocalDrives   : C:/ D:/ Z:/
All drives    : C:/ D:/ Z:/ //Syno
Network drives: //Syno
Network drive //Syno contains the following folders:
package require twapi

proc GetNetworkFolders { networkDrive } {
    set folderList [list]

    set CSIDL_NETWORK 18
    set shell [twapi::comobj Shell.Application]
    set network [$shell NameSpace $CSIDL_NETWORK]

    set networkItems    [$network Items]
    set numNetworkItems [$networkItems Count]
    set found false
    for { set i 0 } { $i < $numNetworkItems } { incr i } {
        set networkItem [$networkItems Item $i]
        if { [string map { "\\" "/" } [$networkItem Path]] eq $networkDrive } {
            set folderObj [$networkItem GetFolder]
            set folderItems [$folderObj Items]
            set numFolderItems [$folderItems Count]
            for { set f 0 } { $f < $numFolderItems } { incr f } {
                set folderItem [$folderItems Item $f]
                lappend folderList [string map { "\\" "/" } [$folderItem Path]]
                $folderItem -destroy
            $folderItems -destroy
            $folderObj   -destroy
            set found true
        $networkItem -destroy
        if { $found } {
    $networkItems -destroy
    $network      -destroy
    $shell       -destroy
    return $folderList

proc GetNetworkDrives {} {
    set driveList [list]

    set CSIDL_NETWORK 18
    set shell [twapi::comobj Shell.Application]
    set network [$shell NameSpace $CSIDL_NETWORK]

    set networkItems [$network Items]
    set numNetworkItems [$networkItems Count]
    for { set i 0 } { $i < $numNetworkItems } { incr i } {
        set networkItem [$networkItems Item $i]
        if { [$networkItem IsFolder] && [string first "\\\\" [$networkItem Path]] == 0 } {
            lappend driveList [string map { "\\" "/" } [$networkItem Path]]
        $networkItem -destroy
    $networkItems -destroy
    $network      -destroy
    $shell        -destroy
    return $driveList

proc GetDrives { args } {
    global tcl_platform

    set opts [dict create \
        -networkdrives false \

    foreach { key value } $args {
        if { [dict exists $opts $key] } {
            if { $value eq "" } {
                error "GetDrives: No value specified for key \"$key\"."
            dict set opts $key $value
        } else {
            error "GetDrives: Unknown option \"$key\" specified."

    set driveList [list]
    switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
        windows {
            foreach drive [file volumes] {
                if {[string match "//zipfs*" $drive] } {
                } else {
                    lappend driveList $drive
            if { [dict get $opts "-networkdrives"] } {
                foreach networkDrive [GetNetworkDrives] {
                    lappend driveList [list $networkDrive]
        default {
            set driveList [file volumes]
    return $driveList

puts "LocalDrives   : [GetDrives]"
puts "All drives    : [GetDrives -networkdrives true]"
puts "Network drives: [GetNetworkDrives]"

foreach networkDrive [GetNetworkDrives] {
    puts "Network drive $networkDrive contains the following folders:"
    foreach folder [GetNetworkFolders $networkDrive] {
        puts "  $folder"

if { [llength [twapi::comobj_instances]] > 1 } {
    puts "COM objects still alive: [twapi::comobj_instances]"


See also